<p>Welcome to my profile! <br> I'm Seraphim R. Pardee, a self-taught software engineer from <imgsrc="https://emojipedia-us.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/thumbs/120/emojipedia/132/flag-for-michigan-usmi_1f3f4-e0075-e0073-e006d-e0069-e007f.png"width="13"/><b>Fenton, Michigan</b>. I'm helping unleash the full potential of pharmacy at <imgsrc="https://iarx.com/wp-content/uploads/iarx-logo-purple-150x150.png"width="13"/><b><ahref="https://iarx.com">iA</a></b>.</p>
<li><ahref="https://srp.life/2021/11/11/a-preface/"><b>A Preface</b></a><br/><i>A couple months ago, I had an idea to write a book on the dirty laundry that us Orthodox Christians have lingering around – mostly in part to vent my concerns on paper. I don’t know if I’ll ever get started on it, whether it will even see fruition, but I thought it’d be worth sharing the preface I had written for it.</i></li>
<li><ahref="https://srp.life/posts/2020-11-07-a-reflection/"><b>A Reflection</b></a><br/><i>After a 5-week penance from my Orthodox online community, Oikonomia, I’ve learned a lot about myself, the faith, those in it, real values that I can carry with me through life.</i></li>
<p>Above are the last 3 pictures posted by <ahref="https://www.instagram.com/orthodoxyforyou/"target="_blank"><imgsrc="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e7/Instagram_logo_2016.svg/1024px-Instagram_logo_2016.svg.png"width="20"/>@orthodoxyforyou!</a><br/>Currently, the weather is: <b> 62 °F, <i>clear sky</i></b><br>Today, the sun rises at <b>7/10/2022, 6:05:49 AM</b> and sets at <b>7/10/2022, 9:14:09 PM</b>.</p>
<palign="center">This <i>README</i> file is generated <b>every 6 hours</b>!<br>Last refresh: Sunday, July 10, 8:35 AM EDT<br/><ahref="https://medium.com/@th.guibert/how-to-create-a-self-updating-readme-md-for-your-github-profile-f8b05744ca91">Create your own here!</a></p>