{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}about{% endblock %} {% block main %}


canonlaw@oikonomia is a open-source endeavor by Oikonomia, an Orthodox Christian community to provide a way to reference canon law quickly.


(Title: Name, Jurisdiction - Email)
Project Lead: Seraphim Pardee, OCA - vypr@oikonomia.faith


canonlaw@oikonomia is developed and ran on Python 3.7.0 using the Flask web framework. It utilizes TinyDB as a database library and a few custom extensions for things like logging. The source code for canonlaw@oikonomia can be found here. The source code, like most of Oikonomia's open-source projects, is freely available under the GPLv3.


canonlaw@oikonomia utilizes an English translation of The Rudder (Pedalion) by Hieromonk Agapios and Monk Nicodemos, translated by Ralph J. Masterjohn (may his memory be eternal) and The Orthodox Christian Educational Society. Copyright © 2005 Ralph J. Masterjohn and The Orthodox Christian Educational Society.

{% endblock %}