diakonos ======== diakonos is a repository of in-house cogs for self-hosted RedBot instances. It gets its name from the Greek word for "deacon", "διάκονος." Requirements ------------ diakonos has been tested and modified to ensure compatibility with: - Python 3.11 - Red-DiscordBot 3.5.5 diakonos requires the following Python packages: - feedparser - beautifulsoup4 Installation ------------ For feature parity with our instances, the following internal RedBot cogs need to be enabled with the following command: ``` .load admin alias cleanup customcom downloader economy general mod modlog mutes trivia warnings ``` The following cogs from the following sources: - `avatar` from https://github.com/skeith/MayuYukirin - `compliment` from https://github.com/TrustyJAID/Trusty-cogs - `dictionary` from https://github.com/aikaterna/aikaterna-cogs - `disboardreminder` from https://github.com/phenom4n4n/phen-cogs - `errorlogs` from https://github.com/Tobotimus/Tobo-Cogs - `extendedmodlog` from https://github.com/TrustyJAID/Trusty-cogs - `forcemention` from https://github.com/phenom4n4n/phen-cogs - `hangman` from https://github.com/Flame442/FlameCogs - `hunting` from https://github.com/vertyco/vrt-cogs - `levelup` from https://github.com/vertyco/vrt-cogs - `msgvote` from https://github.com/flapjax/FlapJack-Cogs - `reactpoll` from https://github.com/flapjax/FlapJack-Cogs - `rekt` from https://github.com/TrustyJAID/Trusty-cogs - `remindme` from https://github.com/PhasecoreX/PCXCogs - `say` from https://github.com/laggron42/Laggrons-Dumb-Cogs - `seen` from https://github.com/aikaterna/aikaterna-cogs - `smartreact` from https://github.com/flapjax/FlapJack-Cogs - `starboard` from https://github.com/TrustyJAID/Trusty-cogs - `userinfo` from https://github.com/flaree/flare-cogs - `uwu` from https://github.com/PhasecoreX/PCXCogs - `wikipedia` from https://github.com/PhasecoreX/PCXCogs For the remaining cogs, provided within this repository: ``` .load autorole cherubim reactrole rss stickyroles ```