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2024-03-10 20:37:11 -04:00
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
from powerline.renderers.shell.zsh import ZshPromptRenderer
class TcshPromptRenderer(ZshPromptRenderer):
'''Powerline tcsh prompt segment renderer.'''
character_translations = ZshPromptRenderer.character_translations.copy()
character_translations[ord('%')] = '%%'
character_translations[ord('\\')] = '\\\\'
character_translations[ord('^')] = '\\^'
character_translations[ord('!')] = '\\!'
def do_render(self, **kwargs):
ret = super(TcshPromptRenderer, self).do_render(**kwargs)
nbsp = self.character_translations.get(ord(' '), ' ')
end = self.hlstyle()
assert not ret or ret.endswith(end)
if ret.endswith(nbsp + end):
# Exchange nbsp and highlight end because tcsh removes trailing
# %{%} part of the prompt for whatever reason
ret = ret[:-(len(nbsp) + len(end))] + end + nbsp
# We *must* end prompt with non-%{%} sequence for the reasons
# explained above. So add nbsp if it is not already there.
ret += nbsp
return ret
renderer = TcshPromptRenderer