775 lines
28 KiB
775 lines
28 KiB
" ============================================================================
" Name: Lucius vim color scheme
" Author: Jonathan Filip <jfilip1024@gmail.com>
" Version: 8.1.7
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Light and dark color scheme for GUI and 256 color terminal.
" There are several options available to customize the color scheme to your
" own tastes. This is particularly useful when you have to work in different
" environments at different times (home, work, day, night, etc).
" The GUI and 256 color terminal versions of this color scheme are identical.
" You can set up the color scheme by manually setting the options you want or
" by choosing one of the presets defined. These presets are loaded after you
" first source the color scheme file and are all commands that start with
" 'Lucius'.
" I have also started to create color schemes for different applications. I
" have been using them for PuTTY, iTerm2, and Visual Studio, but will keep
" adding more as I go along. You can find the files for these on Github:
" https://github.com/jonathanfilip/lucius
" You can also clone the following repository if you use Pathogen or something
" similar. It holds the vim color scheme in a 'colors' directory:
" https://github.com/jonathanfilip/vim-lucius
" Presets:
" There are several presets available that will set all the options for you.
" There are screenshots of each preset below:
" * LuciusDark (dark default): http://i.imgur.com/LsZbF.png
" * LuciusDarkHighContrast: http://i.imgur.com/e70i9.png
" * LuciusDarkLowContrast: http://i.imgur.com/Hmw8s.png
" * LuciusBlack: http://i.imgur.com/iD4ri.png
" * LuciusBlackHighContrast: http://i.imgur.com/lHvTJ.png
" * LuciusBlackLowContrast: http://i.imgur.com/oZLkg.png
" * LuciusLight (light default): http://i.imgur.com/soYD8.png
" * LuciusLightLowContrast: http://i.imgur.com/95I86.png
" * LuciusWhite: http://i.imgur.com/wDzkz.png
" * LuciusWhiteLowContrast: http://i.imgur.com/jlUf4.png
" To use the presets, you just need to set the color scheme first. In your
" vimrc, you can just do this:
" colorscheme lucius
" LuciusBlack
" You can still just set the background variable and then set the color
" scheme. This will default to LuciusDark for 'dark' and LuciusLight for
" 'light'.
" Options:
" The presets available cover most of the options. You can, however, customize
" things by setting the following variables yourself:
" g:lucius_style (default: 'dark')
" Set this option to either 'light' or 'dark' for your desired color scheme.
" It has the same effect as setting the background.
" g:lucius_contrast (default: 'normal')
" This option determines the contrast to use for text/ui elements. It can be
" set to 'low', 'normal', or 'high'. At this time there is no 'high' for the
" light scheme.
" g:lucius_contrast_bg (default: 'normal')
" Setting this option makes the background a higher contrast. Current settings
" are 'normal' and 'high'.
" g:lucius_use_bold (default: 1)
" Setting this will cause the color scheme to use bold fonts for some items.
" g:lucius_use_underline (default: 1)
" Setting this will cause the color scheme to use underlined fonts for some
" items.
" g:lucius_no_term_bg (default: 0)
" Setting this will cause the color scheme to not set a background color in
" the terminal (useful for transparency or terminals with different background
" colors).
" ============================================================================
" ============================================================================
" Options:
" ============================================================================
unlet! g:colors_name
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
if exists("g:lucius_style")
let s:style = g:lucius_style
let s:style = &background
if exists("g:lucius_contrast")
let s:contrast = g:lucius_contrast
let s:contrast = "normal"
if exists("g:lucius_contrast_bg")
let s:contrast_bg = g:lucius_contrast_bg
let s:contrast_bg = "normal"
if exists("g:lucius_use_bold")
let s:use_bold = g:lucius_use_bold
let s:use_bold = 1
if exists("g:lucius_use_underline")
let s:use_underline = g:lucius_use_underline
let s:use_underline = 1
if exists("g:lucius_no_term_bg")
let s:no_term_bg = g:lucius_no_term_bg
let s:no_term_bg = 0
" ============================================================================
" Color Map:
" ============================================================================
let s:color_map = {
\ 'bg': 'bg', 'fg': 'fg', 'NONE': 'NONE',
\ '#000000': '16', '#00005f': '17', '#000087': '18', '#0000af': '19',
\ '#0000d7': '20', '#0000ff': '21', '#005f00': '22', '#005f5f': '23',
\ '#005f87': '24', '#005faf': '25', '#005fd7': '26', '#005fff': '27',
\ '#008700': '28', '#00875f': '29', '#008787': '30', '#0087af': '31',
\ '#0087d7': '32', '#0087ff': '33', '#00af00': '34', '#00af5f': '35',
\ '#00af87': '36', '#00afaf': '37', '#00afd7': '38', '#00afff': '39',
\ '#00d700': '40', '#00d75f': '41', '#00d787': '42', '#00d7af': '43',
\ '#00d7d7': '44', '#00d7ff': '45', '#00ff00': '46', '#00ff5f': '47',
\ '#00ff87': '48', '#00ffaf': '49', '#00ffd7': '50', '#00ffff': '51',
\ '#5f0000': '52', '#5f005f': '53', '#5f0087': '54', '#5f00af': '55',
\ '#5f00d7': '56', '#5f00ff': '57', '#5f5f00': '58', '#5f5f5f': '59',
\ '#5f5f87': '60', '#5f5faf': '61', '#5f5fd7': '62', '#5f5fff': '63',
\ '#5f8700': '64', '#5f875f': '65', '#5f8787': '66', '#5f87af': '67',
\ '#5f87d7': '68', '#5f87ff': '69', '#5faf00': '70', '#5faf5f': '71',
\ '#5faf87': '72', '#5fafaf': '73', '#5fafd7': '74', '#5fafff': '75',
\ '#5fd700': '76', '#5fd75f': '77', '#5fd787': '78', '#5fd7af': '79',
\ '#5fd7d7': '80', '#5fd7ff': '81', '#5fff00': '82', '#5fff5f': '83',
\ '#5fff87': '84', '#5fffaf': '85', '#5fffd7': '86', '#5fffff': '87',
\ '#870000': '88', '#87005f': '89', '#870087': '90', '#8700af': '91',
\ '#8700d7': '92', '#8700ff': '93', '#875f00': '94', '#875f5f': '95',
\ '#875f87': '96', '#875faf': '97', '#875fd7': '98', '#875fff': '99',
\ '#878700': '100', '#87875f': '101', '#878787': '102', '#8787af': '103',
\ '#8787d7': '104', '#8787ff': '105', '#87af00': '106', '#87af5f': '107',
\ '#87af87': '108', '#87afaf': '109', '#87afd7': '110', '#87afff': '111',
\ '#87d700': '112', '#87d75f': '113', '#87d787': '114', '#87d7af': '115',
\ '#87d7d7': '116', '#87d7ff': '117', '#87ff00': '118', '#87ff5f': '119',
\ '#87ff87': '120', '#87ffaf': '121', '#87ffd7': '122', '#87ffff': '123',
\ '#af0000': '124', '#af005f': '125', '#af0087': '126', '#af00af': '127',
\ '#af00d7': '128', '#af00ff': '129', '#af5f00': '130', '#af5f5f': '131',
\ '#af5f87': '132', '#af5faf': '133', '#af5fd7': '134', '#af5fff': '135',
\ '#af8700': '136', '#af875f': '137', '#af8787': '138', '#af87af': '139',
\ '#af87d7': '140', '#af87ff': '141', '#afaf00': '142', '#afaf5f': '143',
\ '#afaf87': '144', '#afafaf': '145', '#afafd7': '146', '#afafff': '147',
\ '#afd700': '148', '#afd75f': '149', '#afd787': '150', '#afd7af': '151',
\ '#afd7d7': '152', '#afd7ff': '153', '#afff00': '154', '#afff5f': '155',
\ '#afff87': '156', '#afffaf': '157', '#afffd7': '158', '#afffff': '159',
\ '#d70000': '160', '#d7005f': '161', '#d70087': '162', '#d700af': '163',
\ '#d700d7': '164', '#d700ff': '165', '#d75f00': '166', '#d75f5f': '167',
\ '#d75f87': '168', '#d75faf': '169', '#d75fd7': '170', '#d75fff': '171',
\ '#d78700': '172', '#d7875f': '173', '#d78787': '174', '#d787af': '175',
\ '#d787d7': '176', '#d787ff': '177', '#d7af00': '178', '#d7af5f': '179',
\ '#d7af87': '180', '#d7afaf': '181', '#d7afd7': '182', '#d7afff': '183',
\ '#d7d700': '184', '#d7d75f': '185', '#d7d787': '186', '#d7d7af': '187',
\ '#d7d7d7': '188', '#d7d7ff': '189', '#d7ff00': '190', '#d7ff5f': '191',
\ '#d7ff87': '192', '#d7ffaf': '193', '#d7ffd7': '194', '#d7ffff': '195',
\ '#ff0000': '196', '#ff005f': '197', '#ff0087': '198', '#ff00af': '199',
\ '#ff00d7': '200', '#ff00ff': '201', '#ff5f00': '202', '#ff5f5f': '203',
\ '#ff5f87': '204', '#ff5faf': '205', '#ff5fd7': '206', '#ff5fff': '207',
\ '#ff8700': '208', '#ff875f': '209', '#ff8787': '210', '#ff87af': '211',
\ '#ff87d7': '212', '#ff87ff': '213', '#ffaf00': '214', '#ffaf5f': '215',
\ '#ffaf87': '216', '#ffafaf': '217', '#ffafd7': '218', '#ffafff': '219',
\ '#ffd700': '220', '#ffd75f': '221', '#ffd787': '222', '#ffd7af': '223',
\ '#ffd7d7': '224', '#ffd7ff': '225', '#ffff00': '226', '#ffff5f': '227',
\ '#ffff87': '228', '#ffffaf': '229', '#ffffd7': '230', '#ffffff': '231',
\ '#080808': '232', '#121212': '233', '#1c1c1c': '234', '#262626': '235',
\ '#303030': '236', '#3a3a3a': '237', '#444444': '238', '#4e4e4e': '239',
\ '#585858': '240', '#626262': '241', '#6c6c6c': '242', '#767676': '243',
\ '#808080': '244', '#8a8a8a': '245', '#949494': '246', '#9e9e9e': '247',
\ '#a8a8a8': '248', '#b2b2b2': '249', '#bcbcbc': '250', '#c6c6c6': '251',
\ '#d0d0d0': '252', '#dadada': '253', '#e4e4e4': '254', '#eeeeee': '255',
\ }
" ============================================================================
" Functions:
" ============================================================================
function! s:AddCterm(name)
exec "let l:gfg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('" . a:name .
\ "')), 'fg', 'gui')"
exec "let l:gbg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('" . a:name .
\ "')), 'bg', 'gui')"
let l:gfg = l:gfg == "" ? "NONE" : l:gfg
let l:gbg = l:gbg == "" ? "NONE" : l:gbg
exec "hi " . a:name . " ctermfg=" . s:color_map[l:gfg] .
\ " ctermbg=" . s:color_map[l:gbg]
function! s:AddSpCterm(name)
exec "let l:gsp = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('" . a:name .
\ "')), 'sp', 'gui')"
let l:gsp = l:gsp == "" ? "NONE" : l:gsp
exec "hi " . a:name . " ctermfg=" . s:color_map[l:gsp]
" ============================================================================
" Text Groups:
" ============================================================================
let s:normal_items = [
\ "ColorColumn", "Comment", "Conceal", "Constant", "Cursor", "CursorColumn",
\ "CursorIM", "CursorLine", "CursorLineNr", "DiffAdd", "DiffChange",
\ "DiffDelete", "Directory", "Error", "ErrorMsg", "Identifier",
\ "IncSearch", "LineNr", "MatchParen", "ModeMsg", "MoreMsg",
\ "NonText", "Pmenu", "PmenuSbar", "PmenuSel",
\ "PmenuThumb", "PreProc", "Question", "Search", "SignColumn",
\ "Special", "SpecialKey", "Statement", "StatusLineNC", "TabLine",
\ "TabLineFill", "Todo", "Type", "VertSplit", "Visual",
\ "WarningMsg", "WildMenu",
\ ]
let s:bold_items = [
\ "DiffText", "FoldColumn", "Folded", "StatusLine", "TabLineSel",
\ "Title", "CursorLineNr",
\ ]
let s:underline_items = [
\ "Underlined", "VisualNOS"
\ ]
let s:undercurl_items = [
\ "SpellBad", "SpellCap", "SpellLocal", "SpellRare"
\ ]
" ============================================================================
" Color Definitions:
" ============================================================================
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" 'Normal' Colors:
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi clear Normal
hi Normal gui=none cterm=none term=none
if s:style == "light"
if s:contrast == "high"
hi Normal guifg=#000000
elseif s:contrast == "low"
hi Normal guifg=#626262
hi Normal guifg=#444444
if s:contrast == "high"
hi Normal guifg=#eeeeee
elseif s:contrast == "low"
hi Normal guifg=#bcbcbc
hi Normal guifg=#d7d7d7
if s:style == "light"
if s:contrast_bg == "high"
hi Normal guibg=#ffffff
hi Normal guibg=#eeeeee
if s:contrast_bg == "high"
hi Normal guibg=#121212
hi Normal guibg=#303030
call s:AddCterm("Normal")
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Extra setup
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
exec "set background=" . s:style
" Clear default settings
for s:item in s:normal_items + s:bold_items + s:underline_items + s:undercurl_items
exec "hi " . s:item . " guifg=NONE guibg=NONE gui=none"
\ . " ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=none term=none"
let g:colors_name="lucius"
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Text Markup:
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if s:style == "light"
hi NonText guifg=#afafd7
hi SpecialKey guifg=#afd7af
if s:contrast == "low"
hi Comment guifg=#9e9e9e
hi Conceal guifg=#9e9e9e
hi Constant guifg=#d78700
hi Directory guifg=#00af87
hi Identifier guifg=#00af00
hi PreProc guifg=#00afaf
hi Special guifg=#af00af
hi Statement guifg=#0087d7
hi Title guifg=#0087d7
hi Type guifg=#0087af
hi Comment guifg=#808080
hi Conceal guifg=#808080
hi Constant guifg=#af5f00
hi Directory guifg=#00875f
hi Identifier guifg=#008700
hi PreProc guifg=#008787
hi Special guifg=#870087
hi Statement guifg=#005faf
hi Title guifg=#005faf
hi Type guifg=#005f87
hi NonText guifg=#5f5f87
hi SpecialKey guifg=#5f875f
if s:contrast == "low"
hi Comment guifg=#6c6c6c
hi Conceal guifg=#6c6c6c
hi Constant guifg=#afaf87
hi Directory guifg=#87af87
hi Identifier guifg=#87af5f
hi PreProc guifg=#5faf87
hi Special guifg=#af87af
hi Statement guifg=#5fafd7
hi Title guifg=#00afd7
hi Type guifg=#5fafaf
elseif s:contrast == "high"
hi Comment guifg=#8a8a8a
hi Conceal guifg=#8a8a8a
hi Constant guifg=#ffffd7
hi Directory guifg=#d7ffd7
hi Identifier guifg=#d7ffaf
hi PreProc guifg=#afffd7
hi Special guifg=#ffd7ff
hi Statement guifg=#afffff
hi Title guifg=#87d7ff
hi Type guifg=#afffff
hi Comment guifg=#808080
hi Conceal guifg=#808080
hi Constant guifg=#d7d7af
hi Directory guifg=#afd7af
hi Identifier guifg=#afd787
hi PreProc guifg=#87d7af
hi Special guifg=#d7afd7
hi Statement guifg=#87d7ff
hi Title guifg=#5fafd7
hi Type guifg=#87d7d7
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Highlighting:
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi Cursor guifg=bg
hi CursorColumn guifg=NONE
hi CursorIM guifg=bg
hi CursorLine guifg=NONE
hi Visual guifg=NONE
hi VisualNOS guifg=fg guibg=NONE
if s:style == "light"
hi CursorColumn guibg=#dadada
hi CursorLine guibg=#dadada
hi IncSearch guifg=fg guibg=#5fd7d7
hi MatchParen guifg=NONE guibg=#5fd7d7
hi Search guifg=fg guibg=#ffaf00
hi Visual guibg=#afd7ff
if s:contrast == "low"
hi Cursor guibg=#87afd7
hi CursorIM guibg=#87afd7
hi Error guifg=#d70000 guibg=#ffd7d7
hi Todo guifg=#af8700 guibg=#ffffaf
hi Cursor guibg=#5f87af
hi CursorIM guibg=#5f87af
hi Error guifg=#af0000 guibg=#d7afaf
hi Todo guifg=#875f00 guibg=#ffffaf
hi CursorColumn guibg=#444444
hi CursorLine guibg=#444444
hi IncSearch guifg=bg
hi MatchParen guifg=fg guibg=#87af00
hi Search guifg=bg
hi Visual guibg=#005f87
if s:contrast == "low"
hi Cursor guibg=#5f87af
hi CursorIM guibg=#5f87af
hi Error guifg=#d75f5f guibg=#870000
hi IncSearch guibg=#00afaf
hi Search guibg=#d78700
hi Todo guifg=#afaf00 guibg=#5f5f00
elseif s:contrast == "high"
hi Cursor guibg=#afd7ff
hi CursorIM guibg=#afd7ff
hi Error guifg=#ffafaf guibg=#af0000
hi IncSearch guibg=#87ffff
hi Search guibg=#ffaf5f
hi Todo guifg=#ffff87 guibg=#87875f
hi Cursor guibg=#87afd7
hi CursorIM guibg=#87afd7
hi Error guifg=#ff8787 guibg=#870000
hi IncSearch guibg=#5fd7d7
hi Search guibg=#d78700
hi Todo guifg=#d7d75f guibg=#5f5f00
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Messages:
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi Question guifg=fg
if s:style == "light"
if s:contrast == "low"
hi ErrorMsg guifg=#d70000
hi ModeMsg guifg=#0087ff
hi MoreMsg guifg=#0087ff
hi WarningMsg guifg=#d78700
hi ErrorMsg guifg=#af0000
hi ModeMsg guifg=#005faf
hi MoreMsg guifg=#005faf
hi WarningMsg guifg=#af5f00
if s:contrast == "low"
hi ErrorMsg guifg=#d75f5f
hi ModeMsg guifg=#87afaf
hi MoreMsg guifg=#87afaf
hi WarningMsg guifg=#af875f
elseif s:contrast == "high"
hi ErrorMsg guifg=#ff8787
hi ModeMsg guifg=#afffff
hi MoreMsg guifg=#afffff
hi WarningMsg guifg=#ffaf87
hi ErrorMsg guifg=#ff5f5f
hi ModeMsg guifg=#afd7d7
hi MoreMsg guifg=#afd7d7
hi WarningMsg guifg=#d7875f
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" UI:
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi ColorColumn guifg=NONE
hi Pmenu guifg=bg
hi PmenuSel guifg=fg
hi PmenuThumb guifg=fg
hi StatusLine guifg=bg
hi TabLine guifg=bg
hi TabLineSel guifg=fg
hi WildMenu guifg=fg
if s:style == "light"
hi ColorColumn guibg=#e4e4e4
hi CursorLineNr guifg=#626262 guibg=#dadada
hi FoldColumn guibg=#bcbcbc
hi Folded guibg=#bcbcbc
hi LineNr guifg=#9e9e9e guibg=#dadada
hi PmenuSel guibg=#afd7ff
hi SignColumn guibg=#d0d0d0
hi StatusLineNC guifg=#dadada
hi TabLineFill guifg=#dadada
hi VertSplit guifg=#e4e4e4
hi WildMenu guibg=#afd7ff
if s:contrast == "low"
hi FoldColumn guifg=#808080
hi Folded guifg=#808080
hi Pmenu guibg=#9e9e9e
hi PmenuSbar guifg=#9e9e9e guibg=#626262
hi PmenuThumb guibg=#9e9e9e
hi SignColumn guifg=#808080
hi StatusLine guibg=#9e9e9e
hi StatusLineNC guibg=#9e9e9e
hi TabLine guibg=#9e9e9e
hi TabLineFill guibg=#9e9e9e
hi TabLineSel guibg=#afd7ff
hi VertSplit guibg=#9e9e9e
hi FoldColumn guifg=#626262
hi Folded guifg=#626262
hi Pmenu guibg=#808080
hi PmenuSbar guifg=#808080 guibg=#444444
hi PmenuThumb guibg=#9e9e9e
hi SignColumn guifg=#626262
hi StatusLine guibg=#808080
hi StatusLineNC guibg=#808080
hi TabLine guibg=#808080
hi TabLineFill guibg=#808080
hi TabLineSel guibg=#afd7ff
hi VertSplit guibg=#808080
hi ColorColumn guibg=#3a3a3a
hi CursorLineNr guifg=#9e9e9e guibg=#444444
hi FoldColumn guibg=#4e4e4e
hi Folded guibg=#4e4e4e
hi LineNr guifg=#626262 guibg=#444444
hi PmenuSel guibg=#005f87
hi SignColumn guibg=#4e4e4e
hi StatusLineNC guifg=#4e4e4e
hi TabLineFill guifg=#4e4e4e
hi VertSplit guifg=#626262
hi WildMenu guibg=#005f87
if s:contrast == "low"
hi FoldColumn guifg=#a8a8a8
hi Folded guifg=#a8a8a8
hi Pmenu guibg=#8a8a8a
hi PmenuSbar guifg=#8a8a8a guibg=#bcbcbc
hi PmenuThumb guibg=#585858
hi SignColumn guifg=#8a8a8a
hi StatusLine guibg=#8a8a8a
hi StatusLineNC guibg=#8a8a8a
hi TabLine guibg=#8a8a8a
hi TabLineFill guibg=#8a8a8a
hi TabLineSel guibg=#005f87
hi VertSplit guibg=#8a8a8a
elseif s:contrast == "high"
hi FoldColumn guifg=#c6c6c6
hi Folded guifg=#c6c6c6
hi Pmenu guibg=#bcbcbc
hi PmenuSbar guifg=#bcbcbc guibg=#dadada
hi PmenuThumb guibg=#8a8a8a
hi SignColumn guifg=#bcbcbc
hi StatusLine guibg=#bcbcbc
hi StatusLineNC guibg=#bcbcbc
hi TabLine guibg=#bcbcbc
hi TabLineFill guibg=#bcbcbc
hi TabLineSel guibg=#0087af
hi VertSplit guibg=#bcbcbc
hi FoldColumn guifg=#bcbcbc
hi Folded guifg=#bcbcbc
hi Pmenu guibg=#b2b2b2
hi PmenuSbar guifg=#b2b2b2 guibg=#d0d0d0
hi PmenuThumb guibg=#808080
hi SignColumn guifg=#b2b2b2
hi StatusLine guibg=#b2b2b2
hi StatusLineNC guibg=#b2b2b2
hi TabLine guibg=#b2b2b2
hi TabLineFill guibg=#b2b2b2
hi TabLineSel guibg=#005f87
hi VertSplit guibg=#b2b2b2
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Diff:
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi DiffAdd guifg=fg
hi DiffChange guifg=fg
hi DiffDelete guifg=fg
if s:style == "light"
hi DiffAdd guibg=#afd7af
hi DiffChange guibg=#d7d7af
hi DiffDelete guibg=#d7afaf
hi DiffText guibg=#d7d7af
if s:contrast == "low"
hi DiffText guifg=#ff8700
hi DiffText guifg=#d75f00
hi DiffAdd guibg=#5f875f
hi DiffChange guibg=#87875f
hi DiffDelete guibg=#875f5f
hi DiffText guibg=#87875f
if s:contrast == "low"
hi DiffText guifg=#d7d75f
hi DiffText guifg=#ffff87
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Spelling:
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if s:style == "light"
hi SpellBad guisp=#d70000
hi SpellCap guisp=#00afd7
hi SpellLocal guisp=#d7af00
hi SpellRare guisp=#5faf00
hi SpellBad guisp=#ff5f5f
hi SpellCap guisp=#5fafd7
hi SpellLocal guisp=#d7af5f
hi SpellRare guisp=#5faf5f
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Miscellaneous:
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hi Ignore guifg=bg
hi Underlined guifg=fg
" ============================================================================
" Text Emphasis:
" ============================================================================
if s:use_bold == 1
for s:item in s:bold_items
exec "hi " . s:item . " gui=bold cterm=bold term=none"
if s:use_underline == 1
for s:item in s:underline_items
exec "hi " . s:item . " gui=underline cterm=underline term=none"
for s:item in s:undercurl_items
exec "hi " . s:item . " cterm=underline"
for s:item in s:undercurl_items
exec "hi " . s:item . " gui=undercurl term=none"
" ============================================================================
" Cterm Colors:
" ============================================================================
for s:item in s:normal_items + s:bold_items + s:underline_items
call s:AddCterm(s:item)
for s:item in s:undercurl_items
call s:AddSpCterm(s:item)
if s:no_term_bg == 1
hi Normal ctermbg=NONE
" ============================================================================
" Alternative Bold Definitions:
" ============================================================================
let s:alternative_bold_items = ["Identifier", "PreProc", "Statement",
\ "Special", "Constant", "Type"]
for s:item in s:alternative_bold_items
exec "let s:temp_gui_fg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('" . s:item .
\ "')), 'fg', 'gui')"
exec "let s:temp_cterm_fg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('" . s:item .
\ "')), 'fg', 'cterm')"
exec "hi B" . s:item . " guifg=" . s:temp_gui_fg . " ctermfg=" .
\ s:temp_cterm_fg . " gui=bold cterm=bold term=none"
" ============================================================================
" Plugin Specific Colors:
" ============================================================================
" Tagbar:
hi link TagbarAccessPublic Constant
hi link TagbarAccessProtected Type
hi link TagbarAccessPrivate PreProc
" Vimwiki:
hi link VimwikiHeader1 BIdentifier
hi link VimwikiHeader2 BPreProc
hi link VimwikiHeader3 BStatement
hi link VimwikiHeader4 BSpecial
hi link VimwikiHeader5 BConstant
hi link VimwikiHeader6 BType
" ============================================================================
" Preset Commands:
" ============================================================================
function! SetLucius(style, contrast, contrast_bg)
let g:lucius_style = a:style
let g:lucius_contrast = a:contrast
let g:lucius_contrast_bg = a:contrast_bg
command! LuciusLight call SetLucius("light", "normal", "normal")
\ | colorscheme lucius
command! LuciusLightLowContrast call SetLucius("light", "low", "normal")
\ | colorscheme lucius
command! LuciusLightHighContrast call SetLucius("light", "high", "normal")
\ | colorscheme lucius
command! LuciusWhite call SetLucius("light", "normal", "high")
\ | colorscheme lucius
command! LuciusWhiteLowContrast call SetLucius("light", "low", "high")
\ | colorscheme lucius
command! LuciusWhiteHighContrast call SetLucius("light", "high", "high")
\ | colorscheme lucius
command! LuciusDark call SetLucius("dark", "normal", "normal")
\ | colorscheme lucius
command! LuciusDarkLowContrast call SetLucius("dark", "low", "normal")
\ | colorscheme lucius
command! LuciusDarkHighContrast call SetLucius("dark", "high", "normal")
\ | colorscheme lucius
command! LuciusBlack call SetLucius("dark", "normal", "high")
\ | colorscheme lucius
command! LuciusBlackLowContrast call SetLucius("dark", "low", "high")
\ | colorscheme lucius
command! LuciusBlackHighContrast call SetLucius("dark", "high", "high")
\ | colorscheme lucius
" vim: tw=78