608 lines
17 KiB
608 lines
17 KiB
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
import sys
from powerline.lib.shell import asrun, run_cmd
from powerline.lib.unicode import out_u
from powerline.segments import Segment, with_docstring
'fallback': '',
'play': '>',
'pause': '~',
'stop': 'X',
def _convert_state(state):
'''Guess player state'''
state = state.lower()
if 'play' in state:
return 'play'
if 'pause' in state:
return 'pause'
if 'stop' in state:
return 'stop'
return 'fallback'
def _convert_seconds(seconds):
'''Convert seconds to minutes:seconds format'''
return '{0:.0f}:{1:02.0f}'.format(*divmod(float(seconds), 60))
class PlayerSegment(Segment):
def __call__(self, format='{state_symbol} {artist} - {title} ({total})', state_symbols=STATE_SYMBOLS, **kwargs):
stats = {
'state': 'fallback',
'album': None,
'artist': None,
'title': None,
'elapsed': None,
'total': None,
func_stats = self.get_player_status(**kwargs)
if not func_stats:
return None
stats['state_symbol'] = state_symbols.get(stats['state'])
return [{
'contents': format.format(**stats),
'highlight_groups': ['player_' + (stats['state'] or 'fallback'), 'player'],
def get_player_status(self, pl):
def argspecobjs(self):
for ret in super(PlayerSegment, self).argspecobjs():
yield ret
yield 'get_player_status', self.get_player_status
def omitted_args(self, name, method):
return ()
_common_args = '''
This player segment should be added like this:
.. code-block:: json
"function": "powerline.segments.common.players.{0}",
"name": "player"
(with additional ``"args": {{…}}`` if needed).
Highlight groups used: ``player_fallback`` or ``player``, ``player_play`` or ``player``, ``player_pause`` or ``player``, ``player_stop`` or ``player``.
:param str format:
Format used for displaying data from player. Should be a str.format-like
string with the following keyword parameters:
|Parameter |Description |
|state_symbol|Symbol displayed for play/pause/stop states. There is also |
| |“fallback” state used in case function failed to get player |
| |state. For this state symbol is by default empty. All |
| |symbols are defined in ``state_symbols`` argument. |
|album |Album that is currently played. |
|artist |Artist whose song is currently played |
|title |Currently played composition. |
|elapsed |Composition duration in format M:SS (minutes:seconds). |
|total |Composition length in format M:SS. |
:param dict state_symbols:
Symbols used for displaying state. Must contain all of the following keys:
======== ========================================================
Key Description
======== ========================================================
play Displayed when player is playing.
pause Displayed when player is paused.
stop Displayed when player is not playing anything.
fallback Displayed if state is not one of the above or not known.
======== ========================================================
_player = with_docstring(PlayerSegment(), _common_args.format('_player'))
class CmusPlayerSegment(PlayerSegment):
def get_player_status(self, pl):
'''Return cmus player information.
cmus-remote -Q returns data with multi-level information i.e.
status playing
file <file_name>
tag artist <artist_name>
tag title <track_title>
tag ..
tag n
set continue <true|false>
set repeat <true|false>
set ..
set n
For the information we are looking for we don’t really care if we’re on
the tag level or the set level. The dictionary comprehension in this
method takes anything in ignore_levels and brings the key inside that
to the first level of the dictionary.
now_playing_str = run_cmd(pl, ['cmus-remote', '-Q'])
if not now_playing_str:
ignore_levels = ('tag', 'set',)
now_playing = dict(((token[0] if token[0] not in ignore_levels else token[1],
(' '.join(token[1:]) if token[0] not in ignore_levels else
' '.join(token[2:]))) for token in [line.split(' ') for line in now_playing_str.split('\n')[:-1]]))
state = _convert_state(now_playing.get('status'))
return {
'state': state,
'album': now_playing.get('album'),
'artist': now_playing.get('artist'),
'title': now_playing.get('title'),
'elapsed': _convert_seconds(now_playing.get('position', 0)),
'total': _convert_seconds(now_playing.get('duration', 0)),
cmus = with_docstring(CmusPlayerSegment(),
('''Return CMUS player information
Requires cmus-remote command be acessible from $PATH.
class MpdPlayerSegment(PlayerSegment):
def get_player_status(self, pl, host='localhost', password=None, port=6600):
import mpd
except ImportError:
if password:
host = password + '@' + host
now_playing = run_cmd(pl, [
'mpc', 'current',
'-f', '%album%\n%artist%\n%title%\n%time%',
'-h', host,
'-p', str(port)
], strip=False)
if not now_playing:
now_playing = now_playing.split('\n')
return {
'album': now_playing[0],
'artist': now_playing[1],
'title': now_playing[2],
'total': now_playing[3],
client = mpd.MPDClient(use_unicode=True)
except TypeError:
# python-mpd 1.x does not support use_unicode
client = mpd.MPDClient()
client.connect(host, port)
if password:
now_playing = client.currentsong()
if not now_playing:
status = client.status()
return {
'state': status.get('state'),
'album': now_playing.get('album'),
'artist': now_playing.get('artist'),
'title': now_playing.get('title'),
'elapsed': _convert_seconds(status.get('elapsed', 0)),
'total': _convert_seconds(now_playing.get('time', 0)),
mpd = with_docstring(MpdPlayerSegment(),
('''Return Music Player Daemon information
Requires ``mpd`` Python module (e.g. |python-mpd2|_ or |python-mpd|_ Python
package) or alternatively the ``mpc`` command to be acessible from $PATH.
.. |python-mpd| replace:: ``python-mpd``
.. _python-mpd: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-mpd
.. |python-mpd2| replace:: ``python-mpd2``
.. _python-mpd2: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-mpd2
:param str host:
Host on which mpd runs.
:param str password:
Password used for connecting to daemon.
:param int port:
Port which should be connected to.
import dbus
except ImportError:
def _get_dbus_player_status(pl, player_name, **kwargs):
pl.error('Could not add {0} segment: requires dbus module', player_name)
def _get_dbus_player_status(pl, bus_name, player_path, iface_prop,
iface_player, player_name='player'):
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
player = bus.get_object(bus_name, player_path)
iface = dbus.Interface(player, iface_prop)
info = iface.Get(iface_player, 'Metadata')
status = iface.Get(iface_player, 'PlaybackStatus')
except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
if not info:
elapsed = iface.Get(iface_player, 'Position')
except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
pl.warning('Missing player elapsed time')
elapsed = None
elapsed = _convert_seconds(elapsed / 1e6)
album = info.get('xesam:album')
title = info.get('xesam:title')
artist = info.get('xesam:artist')
state = _convert_state(status)
if album:
album = out_u(album)
if title:
title = out_u(title)
if artist:
artist = out_u(artist[0])
return {
'state': state,
'album': album,
'artist': artist,
'title': title,
'elapsed': elapsed,
'total': _convert_seconds(info.get('mpris:length') / 1e6),
class DbusPlayerSegment(PlayerSegment):
get_player_status = staticmethod(_get_dbus_player_status)
dbus_player = with_docstring(DbusPlayerSegment(),
('''Return generic dbus player state
Requires ``dbus`` python module. Only for players that support specific protocol
(e.g. like :py:func:`spotify` and :py:func:`clementine`).
:param str player_name:
Player name. Used in error messages only.
:param str bus_name:
Dbus bus name.
:param str player_path:
Path to the player on the given bus.
:param str iface_prop:
Interface properties name for use with dbus.Interface.
:param str iface_player:
Player name.
class SpotifyDbusPlayerSegment(PlayerSegment):
def get_player_status(self, pl):
player_status = _get_dbus_player_status(
if player_status is not None:
return player_status
# Fallback for legacy spotify client with different DBus protocol
return _get_dbus_player_status(
spotify_dbus = with_docstring(SpotifyDbusPlayerSegment(),
('''Return spotify player information
Requires ``dbus`` python module.
class SpotifyAppleScriptPlayerSegment(PlayerSegment):
def get_player_status(self, pl):
status_delimiter = '-~`/='
ascript = '''
tell application "System Events"
set process_list to (name of every process)
end tell
if process_list contains "Spotify" then
tell application "Spotify"
if player state is playing or player state is paused then
set track_name to name of current track
set artist_name to artist of current track
set album_name to album of current track
set track_length to duration of current track
set now_playing to "" & player state & "{0}" & album_name & "{0}" & artist_name & "{0}" & track_name & "{0}" & track_length & "{0}" & player position
return now_playing
return player state
end if
end tell
return "stopped"
end if
spotify = asrun(pl, ascript)
if not asrun:
return None
spotify_status = spotify.split(status_delimiter)
state = _convert_state(spotify_status[0])
if state == 'stop':
return None
return {
'state': state,
'album': spotify_status[1],
'artist': spotify_status[2],
'title': spotify_status[3],
'total': _convert_seconds(int(spotify_status[4])/1000),
'elapsed': _convert_seconds(spotify_status[5]),
spotify_apple_script = with_docstring(SpotifyAppleScriptPlayerSegment(),
('''Return spotify player information
Requires ``osascript`` available in $PATH.
if not sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
spotify = spotify_dbus
_old_name = 'spotify_dbus'
spotify = spotify_apple_script
_old_name = 'spotify_apple_script'
spotify = with_docstring(spotify, spotify.__doc__.replace(_old_name, 'spotify'))
class ClementinePlayerSegment(PlayerSegment):
def get_player_status(self, pl):
return _get_dbus_player_status(
clementine = with_docstring(ClementinePlayerSegment(),
('''Return clementine player information
Requires ``dbus`` python module.
class RhythmboxPlayerSegment(PlayerSegment):
def get_player_status(self, pl):
now_playing = run_cmd(pl, [
'--no-start', '--no-present',
'--print-playing-format', '%at\n%aa\n%tt\n%te\n%td'
], strip=False)
if not now_playing:
now_playing = now_playing.split('\n')
return {
'album': now_playing[0],
'artist': now_playing[1],
'title': now_playing[2],
'elapsed': now_playing[3],
'total': now_playing[4],
rhythmbox = with_docstring(RhythmboxPlayerSegment(),
('''Return rhythmbox player information
Requires ``rhythmbox-client`` available in $PATH.
class RDIOPlayerSegment(PlayerSegment):
def get_player_status(self, pl):
status_delimiter = '-~`/='
ascript = '''
tell application "System Events"
set rdio_active to the count(every process whose name is "Rdio")
if rdio_active is 0 then
end if
end tell
tell application "Rdio"
set rdio_name to the name of the current track
set rdio_artist to the artist of the current track
set rdio_album to the album of the current track
set rdio_duration to the duration of the current track
set rdio_state to the player state
set rdio_elapsed to the player position
return rdio_name & "{0}" & rdio_artist & "{0}" & rdio_album & "{0}" & rdio_elapsed & "{0}" & rdio_duration & "{0}" & rdio_state
end tell
now_playing = asrun(pl, ascript)
if not now_playing:
now_playing = now_playing.split(status_delimiter)
if len(now_playing) != 6:
state = _convert_state(now_playing[5])
total = _convert_seconds(now_playing[4])
elapsed = _convert_seconds(float(now_playing[3]) * float(now_playing[4]) / 100)
return {
'title': now_playing[0],
'artist': now_playing[1],
'album': now_playing[2],
'elapsed': elapsed,
'total': total,
'state': state,
rdio = with_docstring(RDIOPlayerSegment(),
('''Return rdio player information
Requires ``osascript`` available in $PATH.
class ITunesPlayerSegment(PlayerSegment):
def get_player_status(self, pl):
status_delimiter = '-~`/='
ascript = '''
tell application "System Events"
set process_list to (name of every process)
end tell
if process_list contains "iTunes" then
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is playing then
set t_title to name of current track
set t_artist to artist of current track
set t_album to album of current track
set t_duration to duration of current track
set t_elapsed to player position
set t_state to player state
return t_title & "{0}" & t_artist & "{0}" & t_album & "{0}" & t_elapsed & "{0}" & t_duration & "{0}" & t_state
end if
end tell
end if
now_playing = asrun(pl, ascript)
if not now_playing:
now_playing = now_playing.split(status_delimiter)
if len(now_playing) != 6:
title, artist, album = now_playing[0], now_playing[1], now_playing[2]
state = _convert_state(now_playing[5])
total = _convert_seconds(now_playing[4])
elapsed = _convert_seconds(now_playing[3])
return {
'title': title,
'artist': artist,
'album': album,
'total': total,
'elapsed': elapsed,
'state': state
itunes = with_docstring(ITunesPlayerSegment(),
('''Return iTunes now playing information
Requires ``osascript``.
class MocPlayerSegment(PlayerSegment):
def get_player_status(self, pl):
'''Return Music On Console (mocp) player information.
``mocp -i`` returns current information i.e.
.. code-block::
File: filename.format
Title: full title
Artist: artist name
SongTitle: song title
Album: album name
TotalTime: 00:00
TimeLeft: 00:00
TotalSec: 000
CurrentTime: 00:00
CurrentSec: 000
Bitrate: 000kbps
AvgBitrate: 000kbps
Rate: 00kHz
For the information we are looking for we don’t really care if we have
extra-timing information or bit rate level. The dictionary comprehension
in this method takes anything in ignore_info and brings the key inside
that to the right info of the dictionary.
now_playing_str = run_cmd(pl, ['mocp', '-i'])
if not now_playing_str:
now_playing = dict((
line.split(': ', 1)
for line in now_playing_str.split('\n')[:-1]
state = _convert_state(now_playing.get('State', 'stop'))
return {
'state': state,
'album': now_playing.get('Album', ''),
'artist': now_playing.get('Artist', ''),
'title': now_playing.get('SongTitle', ''),
'elapsed': _convert_seconds(now_playing.get('CurrentSec', 0)),
'total': _convert_seconds(now_playing.get('TotalSec', 0)),
mocp = with_docstring(MocPlayerSegment(),
('''Return MOC (Music On Console) player information
Requires version >= 2.3.0 and ``mocp`` executable in ``$PATH``.