
234 lines
6.0 KiB

package main
import (
// check if file exists (relative to the current directory)
func fileExists(path string) bool {
// get current directory
cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
// get an absolute path of the file
absPath := filepath.Join(cwd, path)
// access file information
if _, err := os.Stat(absPath); err != nil {
return !os.IsNotExist(err) // return `false` if doesn't exist
// file exists
return true
// copy file using `cp` command
func copyFile(src, dest string) {
if err := exec.Command("cp", src, dest).Run(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("An error occurred during copy operation:", src, "=>", dest)
// build the package for a platform
func build(packageName, destDir string, platform map[string]string, ldflags string, compress bool) {
// platform config
platformKernel := platform["kernel"]
platformArch := platform["arch"]
// binary executable file path
inputName := os.Getenv("INPUT_NAME")
// build file name (same as the `inputName` if compression is enabled)
buildFileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", inputName, platformKernel, platformArch)
if compress {
buildFileName = inputName
// append `.exe` file-extension for windows
if platformKernel == "windows" {
buildFileName += ".exe"
// workspace directory
workspaceDir := os.Getenv("GITHUB_WORKSPACE")
// destination directory path
destDirPath := filepath.Join(workspaceDir, destDir)
// join destination path
buildFilePath := filepath.Join(destDirPath, buildFileName)
// package directory local path
var packagePath string
if packageName == "" {
packagePath = "."
} else {
packagePath = "./" + packageName
// add git owner exception for the build directory
ensureOptions := []string{"config", "--global", "--add", "safe.directory", workspaceDir}
// generate `git config` command
ensureCmd := exec.Command("git", ensureOptions...)
// execute `git config` command
fmt.Println("Adding git directory to whitelist:", ensureCmd.String())
if output, err := ensureCmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("An error occurred in git:", err)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", output)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", output)
// command-line options for the `go build` command
buildOptions := []string{"build", "-v", "-x", "-buildmode", "exe", "-ldflags", ldflags, "-o", buildFilePath, packagePath}
// generate `go build` command
buildCmd := exec.Command("go", buildOptions...)
// set environment variables
buildCmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), []string{
fmt.Sprintf("GOOS=%s", platformKernel),
fmt.Sprintf("GOARCH=%s", platformArch),
// execute `go build` command
fmt.Println("Creating a build using :", buildCmd.String())
if output, err := buildCmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("An error occurred during build:", err)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", output)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", output)
// create a compressed `.zip` file
if compress {
// compressed gzip file name
zipFileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", inputName, platformKernel, platformArch)
// file to compress (default: build file)
includeFiles := []string{buildFileName}
// copy "README.md" file inside destination directory
if fileExists("README.md") {
copyFile("README.md", filepath.Join(destDirPath, "README.md"))
includeFiles = append(includeFiles, "README.md")
// copy "LICENSE" file inside destination directory
if fileExists("LICENSE") {
copyFile("LICENSE", filepath.Join(destDirPath, "LICENSE"))
includeFiles = append(includeFiles, "LICENSE")
// command-line options for the `zip` command
zipOptions := append([]string{zipFileName}, includeFiles...)
// generate `zip` command
zipCmd := exec.Command("zip", zipOptions...)
// set working directory for the command
zipCmd.Dir = destDirPath
// execute `zip` command
fmt.Println("Compressing build file using:", zipCmd.String())
if err := zipCmd.Run(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("An error occurred during compression:", err)
// generate cleanup command
cleanCmd := exec.Command("rm", append([]string{"-f"}, includeFiles...)...)
// set working directory for the command
cleanCmd.Dir = destDirPath
// start cleanup process
fmt.Println("Performing cleanup operation using:", cleanCmd.String())
if err := cleanCmd.Run(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("An error occurred during cleaup:", err)
func main() {
// get input variables from action
inputPlatforms := os.Getenv("INPUT_PLATFORMS")
inputPackage := os.Getenv("INPUT_PACKAGE")
inputCompress := os.Getenv("INPUT_COMPRESS")
inputDest := os.Getenv("INPUT_DEST")
inputLdflags := os.Getenv("INPUT_LDFLAGS")
// package name to build
packageName := strings.ReplaceAll(inputPackage, " ", "")
// destination directory
destDir := strings.ReplaceAll(inputDest, " ", "")
// split platform names by comma (`,`)
platforms := strings.Split(inputPlatforms, ",")
// should compress build file
compress := false
if strings.ToLower(inputCompress) == "true" {
compress = true
// for each platform, execute `build` function
for _, platform := range platforms {
// split platform by `/` (and clean all whitespaces)
platformSpec := strings.Split(strings.ReplaceAll(platform, " ", ""), "/")
// create a `map` of `kernel` and `arch`
platformMap := map[string]string{
"kernel": platformSpec[0],
"arch": platformSpec[1],
// execute `build` function
build(packageName, destDir, platformMap, inputLdflags, compress)
// list files inside destination directory
if output, err := exec.Command("ls", "-alh", destDir).Output(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("An error occurred during ls operation:", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("--- BUILD FILES ---")
fmt.Printf("%s\n", output)