import { Asset, AssetType, ImageSize, IncomingShareRequest, SharedLink, SharedLinkResult } from './types' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import { addResponseHeaders, getConfigOption, log } from './functions' import render from './render' import { Response } from 'express-serve-static-core' import { encrypt } from './encrypt' class Immich { /** * Make a request to Immich API. We're not using the SDK to limit * the possible attack surface of this app. */ async request (endpoint: string) { try { const res = await fetch(this.apiUrl() + endpoint) if (res.status === 200) { const contentType = res.headers.get('Content-Type') || '' if (contentType.includes('application/json')) { return res.json() } else { return res } } else { log('Immich API status ' + res.status) console.log(await res.text()) } } catch (e) { log('Unable to reach Immich on ' + process.env.IMMICH_URL) } } apiUrl () { return process.env.IMMICH_URL + '/api' } /** * Handle an incoming request for a shared link `key`. This is the main function which * communicates with Immich and returns the output back to the visitor. * * Possible HTTP responses are: * * 200 - either a photo gallery or the unlock page. * 401 - the visitor provided a password but it was invalid. * 404 - any other failed request. Check console.log for details. */ async handleShareRequest (request: IncomingShareRequest, res: Response) { // Add the headers configured in config.json (most likely `cache-control`) addResponseHeaders(res) // Check that the key is a valid format if (!immich.isKey(request.key)) { log('Invalid share key ' + request.key) res.status(404).send() return } // Get information about the shared link via Immich API const sharedLinkRes = await immich.getShareByKey(request.key, request.password) if (!sharedLinkRes.valid) { // This isn't a valid request - check the console for more information res.status(404).send() return } // A password is required, but the visitor-provided one doesn't match if (sharedLinkRes.passwordRequired && request.password) { log('Invalid password for key ' + request.key) res.status(401).send() return } // Password required - show the visitor the password page if (sharedLinkRes.passwordRequired) { // `request.key` is already sanitised at this point, but it never hurts to be explicit const key = request.key.replace(/[^\w-]/g, '') res.render('password', { key, lgConfig: render.lgConfig }) return } if (! { log('Unknown error with key ' + request.key) res.status(404).send() return } // Make sure there are some photo/video assets for this link const link = if (!link.assets.length) { log('No assets for key ' + request.key) res.status(404).send() return } // Everything is ok - output the link page if (link.assets.length === 1) { // This is an individual item (not a gallery) log('Serving link ' + request.key) const asset = link.assets[0] if (asset.type === AssetType.image && !getConfigOption('ipp.singleImageGallery') && !request.password) { // For photos, output the image directly unless configured to show a gallery, // or unless it's a password-protected link await render.assetBuffer(request, res, link.assets[0], ImageSize.preview) } else { // Show a gallery page const openItem = getConfigOption('ipp.singleItemAutoOpen', true) ? 1 : 0 await, link, openItem) } } else { // Multiple images - render as a gallery log('Serving link ' + request.key) await, link) } } /** * Query Immich for the SharedLink metadata for a given key. * The key is what is returned in the URL when you create a share in Immich. */ async getShareByKey (key: string, password?: string): Promise { let link const url = this.buildUrl(process.env.IMMICH_URL + '/api/shared-links/me', { key, password }) const res = await fetch(url) if ((res.headers.get('Content-Type') || '').includes('application/json')) { const jsonBody = await res.json() if (jsonBody) { if (res.status === 200) { // Normal response - get the shared assets link = jsonBody as SharedLink if (link.expiresAt && dayjs(link.expiresAt) < dayjs()) { // This link has expired log('Expired link ' + key) } else { // Filter assets to exclude trashed assets link.assets = link.assets.filter(asset => !asset.isTrashed) // Populate the shared assets with the public key/password link.assets.forEach(asset => { asset.key = key asset.password = password }) return { valid: true, link } } } else if (res.status === 401 && jsonBody?.message === 'Invalid password') { // Password authentication required return { valid: true, passwordRequired: true } } } } // Otherwise return failure log('Immich response ' + res.status + ' for key ' + key) return { valid: false } } /** * Get the content-type of a video, for passing back to lightGallery */ async getVideoContentType (asset: Asset) { const data = await this.request(this.buildUrl('/assets/' + encodeURIComponent( + '/video/playback', { key: asset.key, password: asset.password })) return data.headers.get('Content-Type') } /** * Build safely-encoded URL string */ buildUrl (baseUrl: string, params: { [key: string]: string | undefined } = {}) { // Remove empty properties params = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(params).filter(([_, value]) => !!value)) let query = '' // Safely encode query parameters if (Object.entries(params).length) { query = '?' + (new URLSearchParams(params as { [key: string]: string })).toString() } return baseUrl + query } /** * Return the image data URL for a photo */ photoUrl (key: string, id: string, size?: ImageSize, password?: string) { const path = ['photo', key, id] if (size) path.push(size) const params = password ? this.encryptPassword(password) : {} return this.buildUrl('/' + path.join('/'), params) } /** * Return the video data URL for a video */ videoUrl (key: string, id: string, password?: string) { const params = password ? this.encryptPassword(password) : {} return this.buildUrl(`/video/${key}/${id}`, params) } /** * Check if a provided ID matches the Immich ID format */ isId (id: string) { return !!id.match(/^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/) } /** * Check if a provided key matches the Immich shared-link key format. * It appears that the key is always 67 chars long, but since I don't know that this * will always be the case, I've left it open-ended. */ isKey (key: string) { return !!key.match(/^[\w-]+$/) } /** * When loading assets from a password-protected link, make the decryption key valid for a * short time. If the visitor loads the share link again, it will renew that expiry time. * Even though the recipient already knows the password, this is just in case - for example * to protect against the password-protected link being revoked, but the asset links still * being valid. */ encryptPassword (password: string) { return encrypt(JSON.stringify({ password, expires: dayjs().add(1, 'hour').format() })) } async accessible () { return !!(await immich.request('/server/ping')) } validateImageSize (size: unknown) { if (!size || !Object.values(ImageSize).includes(size as ImageSize)) { return ImageSize.preview } else { return size as ImageSize } } } const immich = new Immich() export default immich