2019-07-05 14:16:46 -04:00
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2019-10-08 18:02:55 -04:00
<h1 itemprop="name">De Mathematica,<br>Theologia, <span class="et-symbol"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.2" viewBox="0 -56 90 69">
2019-07-05 14:16:46 -04:00
<path d="M52.08-22.56L60.8-22.56C82.16-22.56 87.69-32.23 87.69-40.64 87.69-46.31 84.08-52.23 78.08-52.23 75.44-52.23 73.77-50.64 73.77-48.56 73.77-47.52 74.48-46.23 75.92-45.69 76.8-46.23 77.84-46.48 78.95-46.48 83.05-46.48 85.84-43.28 85.84-39.77 85.84-33.52 80.08-28.08 63.2-27.44L52.08-27.05 52.72-37.2 51.28-37.52C49.36-32.8 47.2-29.2 45.13-26.72L38.64-26.48C38-33.52 33.84-37.28 26.16-37.28 17.36-37.28 10.95-31.84 8.23-24.87 5.52-24.64 2.08-24.31 2.08-24.31L1.77-23.12C1.77-23.12 4.16-23.05 7.59-22.95 7.05-21.05 6.8-19.12 6.8-17.12 6.8-6.87 12.72 1.28 25.77 1.28 34.23 1.28 39.69-2.64 42.95-6.48L42.31-8C39.28-5.84 35.36-3.92 29.13-3.92 20.72-3.92 13.84-9.52 13.84-19.52 13.84-21.77 14-22.95 14-22.95L45.2-22.64 45.2-0.23C45.2 6.41 49.05 11.13 55.92 11.13 61.28 11.13 65.36 8.41 67.92 5.84L67.05 4.31C67.05 4.31 63.2 6.95 58.23 6.95 53.77 6.95 52.08 3.52 52.08 0.08ZM14.31-25.28C15.44-30.8 19.69-34.48 24.48-34.48 28.88-34.48 31.77-32.41 31.77-27.44 31.77-26.8 31.69-26.23 31.69-26.23ZM14.31-25.28"></path>
2019-10-08 18:02:55 -04:00
</svg></span> Ecclesia Historia</h1>
2019-07-05 14:16:46 -04:00
2019-07-30 17:19:53 -04:00
<small>Under patronage of Saint Seraphim of Sarov.</small>
2019-07-05 14:16:46 -04:00
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{% assign categories = site.categories | sort %}
{% for category in categories %}
<h3 class="mt-4">{{ category | first }}</h3>
<p>{% for post in category[1] reversed %}{{ forloop.index }}. <a class="mr-2" href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ post.title }} </a>{% endfor %}</p>
{% endfor %}