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2019-07-05 14:16:46 -04:00
layout: post
title: "Keeping In"
date: 2015-09-22
comments: true
2019-12-25 06:31:38 -05:00
categories: Archives
2019-07-05 14:16:46 -04:00
Its been a long 3 months since Ive updated on all this education stuff. When I wrote the post, I had reached my low point and I wasnt sure where I was headed afterwards.
**But now, Im back.**
When I wrote that blog post, I had dropped out of the online school I had chosen and made a small effort towards getting my GED. Shit wasnt working so I just started playing by ear and seeing where life takes me.
I was going to counseling appointments bi-weekly and eventually seeing a psychiatrist to give me the final verdict on my depression. Turns out, I did enter a depression (which Im still in process of fixing). The medicine is helping so I just kept playing by ear, since the school year was over and I didnt really have much to do. The GED wasnt something I wanted and was a last resort thing (if that wasnt apparent).
The appointments were starting to get a little bit annoying. Its different when its a routine, but when its every other week it starts to get a bit repetitive. My insurance only covered so many appointments and I ended up having to spend these next 4 months with only 2 appointments.
Its partially a good and bad thing. Good as in, Im on my way to shit and the medicine is helping to where the appointments arent necessary. I dont think Im done yet with the medication, as my mood has a definite change when I fail to take them on a day. Its bad in the sense that if I was to ever slip back, Id be screwed. There wouldnt be much I could do and Id just have to survive. The plus side is that me slipping back seems slim now.
A short time after I had my appointments spread across the months, I received a phone call from an online school that I applied to back in January when I had signed up for the other one. The benefits of this online school being:
1. Its in my area.
2. I go to an actual school, despite all of it being online.
3. Partially oriented around people like myself. They inquired about me wanting to join, and I said yes. It was the only good thing I had going for me and I took it. Since it couldnt get much worse than nothing. So, skip a few months later (because I didnt start until September). I go to school, and shit is pretty direct and simple. They give you classes oriented around you (in addition to keeping state requirements) and making school less of a nuisance (I havent received a piece of homework).
I started school on September 15th (last week) and I was on my way. They start everyone with a math strategies elective class just to bring people up to speed on basic math and pre-algebra concepts. I finished the class today (September 22nd). I spent less than a real full school week (since we dont get Fridays and the school year starts on Tuesday). Granted, there was stuff that I had to learn, but I had about 30-40% of the work like the back of my hand, and I was able to finish the rest quickly once I was taught.
Im also the first one to finish a class in this school year.
I think Im starting to get to the top, like I shouldve been. Im also at the point where Im looking at the present and very near future and Im not looking back on the past. **That shits over.**
Hell, if I finish classes within weeks, Id be out sooner before my normal time.
So, my friends and family, including the strangers on the internet (who supported me regardless with no doubt), **thank you**. If it wasnt for the support I had received, Im not sure why Id bother trying for my education. So (1000 * “thank you”) to each and everyone of you to motivated me to get to where I needed to be,
2019-12-24 07:39:12 -05:00
**Thank you.**