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As you might&amp;rsquo;ve read or noticed, these past few years have been all over the place. I won&amp;rsquo;t get into details too greatly like my usual blog posts, because they will no longer be my usual blog posts. What I can say though, is that I&amp;rsquo;m doing better. Not much better, but better nonetheless.
An update is warranted on everything that&amp;rsquo;s happened and what&amp;rsquo;ll be happening from now." />
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As you might&amp;rsquo;ve read or noticed, these past few years have been all over the place. I won&amp;rsquo;t get into details too greatly like my usual blog posts, because they will no longer be my usual blog posts. What I can say though, is that I&amp;rsquo;m doing better. Not much better, but better nonetheless.
An update is warranted on everything that&amp;rsquo;s happened and what&amp;rsquo;ll be happening from now." />
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<a href="https://srp.life/posts/2019-12-24-where-i-am-now/">Where I Am Now</a></h1>
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<p>Greetings, everyone. It&rsquo;s been a while.</p>
<p>As you might&rsquo;ve read or noticed, these past few years have been all over the place. I won&rsquo;t get into details too greatly like my usual blog posts, because they will no longer be my usual blog posts. What I can say though, is that I&rsquo;m doing better. Not much better, but better nonetheless.</p>
<p>An update is warranted on everything that&rsquo;s happened and what&rsquo;ll be happening from now. For starters, I&rsquo;m no longer going to blog about my life for now. While it was a good outlet during some of my darkest times, it&rsquo;s no longer fulfilling and I end up neglecting more than writing. That being said, I won&rsquo;t be cutting off myself from writing about my life completely. I&rsquo;ve decided to opt for journaling. This way, I can give myself the opportunity to have everything that this blogging experience has alongside the privacy allowing me to be more direct in my writing. If I used names here as much as I do in my journal, I&rsquo;m sure it would be read and spread rather quickly. This way, I can be personal. The likelihood of someone reading it is slim, and if they did it would be within certain parameters I&rsquo;m comfortable with.</p>
<p>Secondly, I&rsquo;ve converted to Eastern Orthodoxy and I&rsquo;m currently a catechumen. Long past is my years of Buddhism and my time in Lutheranism. Study and prayer has led me to what I know is Christ&rsquo;s Church, and I won&rsquo;t turn back.</p>
<p>Thirdly, I did leave college for a short while following a full-time job I had with Walmart. I work at Planet Fitness part-time and so it has given me the opportunity to study computer science at Southern New Hampshire University with my girlfriend. I&rsquo;m still on the up with that, promise.</p>
<p>I&rsquo;m not sure whether I will keep this blog, frankly. In an ideal world, I would like to use this blog to talk about more technical matters like my adventures with Fedora Linux and other things. However, as you might already be aware, I&rsquo;m not very good at keeping up with this.</p>
<p>We&rsquo;ll see what happens.</p>
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