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title: Bibliography on Eastern Orthodox Mysticism and Spirituality
date: 2019-08-27
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## Bibliography on Eastern Orthodox Mysticism and Spirituality
### I. Introduction: Some Standard Works on Eastern Spirituality
- Louis Bouyer, *A History of Christian Spirituality*, Vol. I: *The Spirituality of the New Testament and the Fathers*, and III: *Orthodox Spirituality and Protestant and Anglican Spirituality*, tr. M. P. Ryan (2nd printing, NY:1982).
- Olivier Clément, *The Roots of Christian Mysticism: Text and Commentary*, tr. T. Berkeley (NY:1995).
- Lev Gillet (A Monk of the Eastern Church), *Orthodox Spirituality: An Outline of the Orthodox Ascetical and Mystical Tradition*, 2nd ed., reprint (London:1980)
- Irenée Hausherr, "Les grands courants de la spiritualité orientale", *Orientalia christiana periodica* 1 (1935) 114-138.
- Bernard McGinn, John Meyendorff, Jean Leclercq, Jill Rait, Louis Dupres, Don Saliers, editors, *Christian Spirituality*, three volumes: *Origins to the Twelfth Century*; *High Middle Ages and Reformation*, and *Post-Reformation and Modern* (NY:1989, 1987, 1991, resp). [Articles pertaining to Eastern spirituality are included in each volume.]
- Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, and Michael Peterson, *Historical Dictionary of the Orthodox Church* (Lanham, MD/London:1996) [includes brief definitions of key terms and sketches of central persons and places]
- Archimandrite Sophrony, *On Prayer*, tr. Rosemary Edmonds (NY:1998)
- Tomaš Špidlik, *The Spirituality of the Christian East*, tr. Anthony Gythiel (Kalamazoo:1986) [quite the best single handbook available, comprehensive analysis of terms and ideas,excellent bibliography, if now a little dated]
- Archimandrite Hierotheos Vlachos, *Orthodox Psychotherapy: The Science of the Fathers*, tr.Esther Williams (Levadia, Greece:1994)
- Bishop Kallistos Ware, *The Orthodox Way* (Crestwood, NY:rev. ed. 1998)
### II. Scripture, Asceticism/Mysticism, Jewish Apocalyptic, and Early Christianity
#### A. Source Texts
- Bible with Deuterocanonical Books
- R. Cameron and A. J. Daley, ed., *The Cologne Mani Codex (P.Colon.inv.ab 4780): "Concerning the Origin of his Body"*, SBL Texts and Translations 15 (Missoula, MT:1979).
- Clement of Alexandria, see Henry Chadwick, tr. and ed., *Alexandrian Christianity* (Philadelphia:1954), 15-164.
- James H. Charlesworth, *The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha*, 2 volumes (NY:1983)
- F. H. Colson and G. H. Whitaker, tr., Philo, *The Loeb Classical Library*, 10 volumes.
- J. B. Lightfoot, *The Apostolic Fathers* (rep., Grand Rapids:1980) [archaizing translation, but useful for its collection, including Ignatius, the Martyrdom of Polycarp, the *Shepherd of Hermas*, etc.].
- Origen of Alexandria, *Origen: An Exhortation to Martyrdom, Prayer, and Selected Works*, tr. and introduction, Rowan A. Greer (NY:1979).
- James R. Robinson, general ed., *The Nag Hammadi Library* (2nd ed. revised, San Francisco:1990).
- Wilhelm Schneemelcher, ed., *New Testament Apocrypha*, tr. R. McL. Wilson (2nd ed., revised, Cambridge/Louisville:1990/91), two volumes.
- Geza Vermes, tr. and ed., *The Dead Sea Scrolls in English*, 3rd revised and augmented ed. (Peguin Books, 1990).
- Vincent L. Wimbush, ed., *Ascetic Behavior in Greco-Roman Antiquity: A Sourcebook* (Minneapolis:1990)
#### B. Selected Studies
- Antonio Acerbi, *L'Ascensione di Isaia: Christologia e profetismo in Siria nei primi decenni del II Secolo* (Milan:1989)
- Gary Anderson, "Celibacy or Consummation in the Garden? Reflections on Early Jewish and Christian Interpretation of the Garden of Eden", *Harvard Theological Review* 82.2 (1989) 121-148.
- Rudolf Arbesmann, "Fasting and Prophecy in Pagan and Christian Antiquity", *Traditio* 7 (1949/51) 1-71
- Joseph Baumgarten, "The Book of Elchesai and Merkabah Mysticism", *Journal for the Study of Judaism* 17.2 (1986) 212-223.
- -----------------------, "The Qumran *Sabbath Shirot* and the Rabbinic Tradition", *Revue de Qumran* 13 (1988) 199-213.
- Sebastian P. Brock, "Clothing Metaphors as a Means of Theological Expression in Syriac Tradition", in *Typus, Symbol, Allegorie bei den östlichen Vätern und ihren Parallelen im Mittelalter*, ed. Margo Schmidt and C. F. Geyer (Regensburg:1982) 11-38
- James H. Charlesworth, ed., *Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls* (NY:1992)
- Ira Chernus, *Mysticism in Rabbinic Judaism: Studies in the History of Midrash* (Berlin/NY: 1982)
- R. E. Clements, *God and the Temple* (Philadelphia:1965)
- John J. Collins, *The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to the Jewish Matrix of Christianity* (NY:1984).
- ----------------- and Michael Fishbane, editors, *Death, Ecstasy, and Otherworldly Journeys* (Albany:1995)
- Stephen L. Cross, *Prophecy and Apocalypticism: The Post-Exilic Social Setting* (Minneapolis:1995).
- Henri Crouzel, *Origène et la conaissance mystique* (Toulouse:1961)
- ----------------, "Origène, précurseur du monachisme", *Théologie de la vie monastique* (Paris:1961) 15-58
- Jean Daniélou, *The Theology of Jewish Christianity*, tr. J. A. Baker (London/Philadelphia:1964)
- April DeConick, *Seek to See Him: Ascent and Vision Mysticism in the Gospel of Thomas* (Leiden:1996)
- J. A. Fitzmeyer, "Glory Reflected in the Face of Christ (2 Cor 3:7-4:6) and a Palestinian Jewish Motif", *Theological Studies* 42 (1981) 630-644.
- Jarl Fossum, *The Image of the Invisible God: Essays on the Influence of Jewish Mysticism on Early Christology* (Freiburg/Göttingen:1995)
- Steven D. Fraade, "Ascetical Aspects of Ancient Judaism", *Jewish Spirituality* I:253-288.
- W. H. C. Frend, *Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church* (Garden City, NY:1967)
- Arthur Green, ed., *Jewish Spirituality*, vol. I: *From the Bible through the Middle Ages* (NY:1988)
- Ithmar Gruenwald, *Apocalyptic and Merkabah Mysticism* (Leiden:1980)
- ---------------------, "Manicheanism and Judaism in Light of the Cologne Mani Codex", *Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphie* 50 (1983) 29-45
- Antoine Guillaumont, *Aux origines du monachisme chrétien* (Bellefontaine:1979) [several valuable essays on the Jewish background to Christian monasticism]
- David Halperin, *Faces of the Chariot: Early Jewish Responses to Ezekiel's Vison* (Tübingen: 1988)
- Richard A. Horsely with John S. Hanson, *Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs: Popular Movements at the Time of Jesus* (San Francisco:1985)
- Moshe Idel, "Enoch is Metatron", *Immanuel* 24/25 (1990) 220-240
- Werner Jaeger, *Early Christianity and Greek Paideia* (Cambridge, MA:1962)
- Reuven Kimmelman, "Rabbi Yohanan and Origen on the Song of Songs: A Third Century Jewish-Christian Disputation", *Harvard Theological Review* 73.3-4 (1980) 567-595.
- R. A. Kraft, "The Pseudepigrapha in Christianity", in John C. Reeves, ed., *Tracing the Threads: Studies in the Vitality of Jewish Pseudepigrapha* (Atlanta:1994) 55-86
- Georg Kretschmar, "Ein Beitrag zur Frage nach dem Ursprung frühchristlicher Askese", *Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche* 64 (1961) 27-67.
- ----------------------, *Studien zur frühchristlichen Trinitätstheologie* (Tübingen:1956)
- Jon Levenson, "The Jerusalem Temple in Devotional and Visionary Experience", *Jewish Spirituality* I:32-61.
- Wayne A. Meeks, *The Prophet King: Moses Traditions and Johannine Christology* (Leiden:1967)
- Tryggve N. D. Mettinger, *The Dethronement of Sabaoth: Studies in the Shem and Kabod Theologies* (Lund:1982)
- Françoise Morard, "*Monachos*, Moine. Histoire du terme jusqu'au IVe siècle", *Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie* 20 (1973) 332-411
- C. R. A. Morray-Jones, "Paradise Revisited (2 Cor 12:1-12): The Jewish Mystical Background of Paul's Apostolate", *Harvard Theological Review* 86 (1993) 177-217 and 265-292
- ---------------------------, "Transformational Mysticism in the Apocalyptic-Merkabah Tradition", *Journal of Jewish Studies* 43 (1992) 1-31
- A. A. Moses, *Matthew's Transfiguration Story and Jewish-Christian Controversy* (Sheffield:1996)
- Domingo Muñoz-Leon, *Gloria de la Shekina en los Targumim del Penteteuco* (Madrid:1977)
- Robert Murray, "Disaffected Judaism and Early Christianity: Some Predisposing Factors", in *To See Us as Others See Us* (Chico:1985) 263-281.
- ------------------, "An Exhortation to Candidates for Ascetical Vows at Baptism in the Ancient Syrian Church", *New Testament Studies* 21 (1974) 59-80
- Peter Nagel, *Die Motivierung der Askese in der alten Kirche und der Ursprung des Mönchtums* (Berlin:1966)
- Carey C. Newman, *Paul's Glory Christology: Tradition and Rhetoric* (Leiden/NY:1992)
- George W. Nickelsberg and John J. Collins, editors, *Ideal Figures in Ancient Judaism* (Chico:1980)
- Martha C. Nussbaum, *Therapy and Desire: Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Ethics* (Princeton:1994)
- Gilles Quispel, "Ezekiel 1:26 in Jewish Mysticism", *Vigiliae christianae* 34 (1980) 1-13
- ----------------, "The Asclepius: From the Hermetic Lodge in Alexandria to the Greek Eucharist and the Roman Mass", in R. van den Broek and J. Hauegraf, editors, *Gnosis and Hermetism from Antiquity to Modern Times* (Albany:1998) 69-78
- ----------------, "The Study of Encratism: A Historical Survey", *La Tradizione dell'Enkrateia*, ed. Hugo Bianci (Rome:1985) 35-81
- Michael Ramsey, *The Glory of God and the Transfiguration of Christ* (London:1949, rep.1967)
- Aline Rousselle, *Porneia: On Desire and the Body in Late Antiquity*, tr. Felicia Pheasant (Oxford/Cambridge MA:1993)
- Christopher Rowland, *The Open Heaven: A Study of Apocalyptic in Judaism and Early Christianity* (NY:1982)
- Gershom Scholem, *Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism, and the Talmudic Tradition* (NY:1960)
- Alan Segal, *Paul the Convert: Apostolate and Apostasy of Saul the Pharisee* (New Haven:1990)
- Wilhelm F. Smelik, "On the Mystical Tranformation of the Righteous into Light in Judaism", *Journal for the Study of Judaism* 27.2 (1995) 122-144
- Mark S. Smith, "'Seeing God' in the Psalms: The Background to the Beatific Vision in the Bible", *Catholic Biblical Quarterly* 50 (1988) 171-183
- Morton Smith, "Observations on *Hekalot Rabbati*", in *Biblical and Other Studies*, ed. A. Altman (Cambridge MA:1963) 142-160
- Guy G. Stroumsa, "Form(s) of God: Some Notes on Metatron and Christ", *Harvard Theological Review* 76.3 (1983) 269-288
- ---------------------, *Hidden Wisdom: Esoteric Traditions and the Roots of Christian Mysticism* (Leiden:1996)
- James Tabor, *Things Unutterable: Paul's Ascent to Heaven in its Greco-Roman, Judaic, and Early Christian Contexts* (Lanham, MD:1986)
- Jean Marcel Vincent, "Aspekte der Begegnung mit Gott im alten Testament: Die Erfahrung der göttlichen Gegenwart im Schauen Gottes", *Revue biblique* 103 (1996) 5-39
- Moshe Weinfeld, *Kabod*, in *Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament*, ed. E. J. Botterwick, tr. D. E. Green (Grand Rapids:1995) vol. VII:22-38
### III. The Fourth Century: The Imperial Church and the Emergence of Monasticism
#### A. Source Texts
- Ammonas, *The Letters of Ammonas*, tr. Derwas Chitty, rev. tr. Sebastian Brock (Fairacres, Oxford:1983)
- Anthony, *The Letters of St. Antony: Monasticism and the Making of a Saint*, ed. and tr. Samuel Rubensen (Minneapolis:1995)
- Aphrahat, *The Liber Graduum*, and other early Syriac Fathers, selections in *The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life*, tr. Sebastian Brock (Kalamazoo:1987)
- Athanasius, *The Life of Anthony and the Letter to Marcellinus*, tr. Robert C. Gregg (NY:1980)
- Basil the Great, *The Ascetical Works*, tr. Monica Wagner, *Fathers of the Church* 9 (Wash. D.C., 1950)
- -----------------, *On the Holy Spirit*, tr. David Anderson (Crestwood, NY:1980)
- Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom, Theodore of Mopsuestia, mystagogical catecheses in Edward Yarnold, tr. and ed., *The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation: Baptismal Homilies of the Fourth Century* (Slough, UK:1972)
- Ephrem, *Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns*, tr. Kathleen McVey (NY:1989)
- ---------, *The Hymns on Paradise*, tr. Sebastian Brock (Crestwood, NY:1990)
- Evagrius of Pontus, *The Praktikos and Chapters on Prayer*, tr. John E. Bamberger (Spencer, MA:1970)
- ----------------------, *Les six centuries des Kephalaia Gnostica d'Évagre le Pontique*, ed. and tr. Antoine Guillaumont, *Patrologia Orientalis* 28
- Gregory of Nyssa, *From Glory to Glory: Selected Texts on the Spiritual Life*, ed. Jean Daniélou, tr. N. Musurillo (NY:1961).
- Macarius, *Pseudo-Macarius: The Fifty Spiritual Homilies and the Great Letter*, tr. George Maloney (NY:1992)
- Pachomius, *Pachomian Koinonia*, ed. and tr. Armand Veilleux, three volumes (Kalamazoo:1980-1982)
- Palladius, *The Lausiac History*, tr. Robert T. Meyer, *Ancient Christian Writers* 34 (NY:1964)
- *The Desert Christian: Sayings of the Fathers, the Alphabetical Collection*, tr. Benedicta Ward (NY:198
- *The Lives of the Desert Fathers* (=*Historia Monachorum in Aegypto*), tr. Norman Russell (Kalamazoo:1981)
- Theodoret of Cyrrhus, *History of the Monks of Syria*, tr. E. M. Price (Kalamazoo:1985)
#### B. Selected Studies
- David Amand de Mendieta, *L'ascèse monastique de Saint Basile: Essai historique* (Maredsous:1948)
- Hans-Veit Beyer, "Die Lichtlehre der Mönche des vierzehnten und des vierten Jahrhunderts erörtet am Beispiel des Gregorios Sinaïtes, des Evagrios Pontikos, und des Pseudo-Makarios/Symeon", *Jahrbuch des österreichischen Byzantinistik* 31.1 (1981) 473-512
- Wilhelm Bousset, *Apophthegmata: Studien zur Geshichte des ältesten Mönchtums* (Tübingen:1923)
- David Brakke, *Athanasius and the Politics of Asceticism* (Oxford:1995)
- Sebastian Brock, "Fire from Heaven: From Abel's Sacrifice to the Eucharist. A Theme in Syrian Christianity", *Studia Patristica* 25, 229-243
- -------------------, "Prayer of the Heart in the Syrian Perspective", *Sobornost* 4.2 (1982) 131-142
- -------------------, *Spirituality in the Syriac Tradition* (Kottayam, India: 1987)
- -------------------, *The Holy Spirit in the Syrian Baptismal Tradition* (Poona, India:1979)
- -------------------, *The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual Worldview of St. Ephrem the Syrian*, rev. ed. (Kalamazoo:1992)
- Peter Brown, *Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity* (Berkeley:1982)
- ---------------, *The Body and Society: Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity* (Berkeley:1988)
- Gabriel Bunge, "Évagre le pontique et les deux Macaires", *Irénikon* 56.2-3 (1983) 215-227 and 323-360
- -----------------, *Geistliche Vaterschaft: Christliche Gnosis bei Evagrios Pontikos* (Regensburg:1988)
- Mark S. Burrows, "On the Visibility of God in the Holy Man: A Reconsideration of the Role of the Apa in the Pachomian *Vitae*", *Vigiliae christianae* 41 (1987) 11-33
- Douglas Burton-Christie, *The Word in the Desert: Scripture and the Quest for Holiness in Early Christian Monasticism* (NY/Oxford:1993)
- Irenée-Henri Dalmais, "La vie monastique comme ascèse vigiale d'après Saint Ephrem et les traditions liturgiques syriennes", *Ephemerides liturgicae* 48 (1989) 75-86
- -------------------------, *Eastern Liturgies*, tr. Donald Attwater (NY:1960)
- Jean Daniélou, *Platonisme et théologie mystique. Doctrine spirituelle de Grégoire de Nysse* (Paris:1944)
- Herman Dörries, *Theologie des Makarios/Symeon* (Göttingen:1978)
- -------------------, "The Place of Confession in Ancient Monasticism", *Studia Patristica* 5 (1962) 284-311
- Jeremy Driscoll, *The Ad Monachos of Evagrius Ponticus* (Rome:1991)
- Francis Dvornik, *Early Christian and Byzantine Political Philosophy: Origins and Background* Dumbarton Oaks Studies IX, 2 volumes (Washington DC:1966)
- Phillipe Escalon, *Monachisme et l'Église: Le monachisme syrien du IVe au VIIe siècle, un monachisme charismatique* (Paris:1999)
- Hugh Evelyn-White, *Monasteries of the Wadi Natrun. II: History of the Monasteries of Nitria and Scete* (NY:1932, rep. 1973)
- Thomas Fisch, ed., *Liturgy and Tradition: Theological Reflections of Alexander Schmemann* (NY:1990)
- Klaus Fitschen, *Messalianismus und Antimessalianismus: Ein Beispiel ostkirchlicher Ketzergeschichte* (Göttingen:1998)
- Georges Florovsky, *Byzantine Ascetic and Spiritual Writers* (Belmont, MA:1987)
- James E. Goehring, "Monastic Diversity and Ideological Boundaries in Fourth Century Christian Egypt", *Journal of Early Christian Studies* 5.1 (1997) 61-84
- ----------------------, "The Encroaching Desert: Literary Production and Ascetic Space in Early Christian Egypt", *Journal of Early Christian Studies* 1 (1993) 281-296
- Alexander Golitzin, "Liturgy and Mysticism: The Experience of God in Eastern Orthodox Christianity", *Pro Ecclesia* 8.2 (1999) 31-58
- Graham Gould, *The Desert Fathers on Monastic Community* (Oxford:1993)
- J. Gribomont, "Le monachisme au sein de l'église en Syrie et en Cappadoce", *Studia Monastica* 7 (1965) 7-24
- Sidney Griffith, "Monks, 'Singles', and 'Sons of the Covenant': Reflections on Syriac Ascetic Terminology", in *Eulogema: Studies in Honor of Robert Taft, SJ* (Rome:1993) 141-160
- Antoine Guillaumont, "La vision de l'intellect par lui-même dans la mystique évagrienne", *Mélanges de l'Université St. Joseph* 50.1-2 (1984) 255-262
- -------------------------, *Les *Kephalaia Gnostica* d'Évagre le Pontique* (Paris:1961)
- -------------------------, "Situation et significance du *Liber Graduum* dans la spiritualité syriaque", *Orientalia Christiana Analecta* 197 (Rome:1974) 311-325
- Susan A. Harvey, "The Edessan Martyrs and Ascetic Tradition", *Orientalia Christiana Analecta* (Rome:1990) 195-206.
- Irenée Hausherr, *Spiritual Direction in the Early Christian East*, tr. Anthony Gythiel (Kalamazoo:1990)
- Karl Heussi, *Der Ursprung des Mönchtums* (Tübingen:1936)
- Endre von Ivanka, *Rhomäerreich und Gottesvolk* (Freiburg/Munich:1968)
- Casimir Kucharek, *The Sacramental Mysteries: A Byzantine Approach* (Combermere, Ontario:1976)
- Fairy von Lilienfeld, "Anthropos Pneumatikos-Pater Pneumatikos: Neues Testament und Apophthegmata Patrum", *Studia Patristica* 5 (1962) 382-392
- Andrew Louth, *The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition: From Plato to Denys* (Oxford:1981, rep. 1992)
- Harriet Luckman and Linda Kunzler, editors, *Purity of Heart in Early Ascetic and Monastic Literature* (Collegeville, MN:1999)
- John A. McGuckin, *The Transfiguration of Christ in Scripture and in Tradition* (Lewistown/Queenstown:1986)
- ----------------------, "'Perceiving Light from Light by Light': The Trinitarian Theology of St. Gregory the Theologian", *Greek Orthodox Theological Review* 39.1 (1994) 7-32
- Anthony Meredith, "Asceticism: Christian and Greek", *Journal of Theological Studies* ns 27.2 (1976) 313-332
- Charles A. Metter, "'Mary Needs Martha': The Purposes of Manual Labor in Early Egyptian Monasticism", *St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly* 43.2 (1999) 163-207.
- Robert Murray, *Symbols of Church and Kingdom: A Study in Early Syriac Tradition* (Cambridge:1975)
- G. P. Nedungatt, "The Covenanters of the Early Syriac-Speaking Church", *Orientalia Christiana Periodica* 39 (1973) 191-215 and 419-444
- Gilles Quispel, *Makarios, das Thomasevangelium, and das Lied von der Perle* (Leiden:1967)
- Juana Raasch, *The Monastic Concept of Purity of Heart and Its Sources*, in *Studia Monastica* 8.1 (1966) 7-33; 8.2, 183-213; 10.1 (1968) 7-55; 11.2 (1969) 269-314; and 12.1 (1970) 7-41
- Richard Reitzenstein, Historia Monachorum et Historia Lausiaca: *Eine Studie zur Geschichte des Mönchtums und der frühchristlichen Begriffe Gnostiker und Pneumatiker* (Göttingen:1916)
- Phillip Rousseau, *Ascetics, Authority, and the Church* (Oxford:1978)
- -------------------, *Basil of Ceasarea* (Berkeley:1994)
- -------------------, *Pachomius: The Making of a Community in Fourth Century Egypt* (Berkeley:1985)
- William Schoedel, "Jewish Wisdom and the Formation of the Christian Ascetic", in R. L. Wilken, ed., *Aspects of Wisdom in Judaism and Early Christianity* (Notre Dame: 1975) 169-199
- Hans-Joachim Schultz, *The Byzantine Liturgy*, tr. M. J. O'Donnell (NY:1986)
- Nicholas Séd, "Les Hymnes sur le paradis de Saint Ephrem et les traditions juives", *Le muséon* (1968) 455-501
- ---------------, "La shekinta et ses amis araméens", *Cahiers d'Orientalisme* XX (1988) 233-242
- Guy G. Stroumsa, "Ascèse et gnôse: Aux origines de la spiritualité monastique", *Revue Thomiste* 89 (1981) 557-573
- Nicholas Uspensky, *Evening Worship in the Orthodox Church*, tr. Paul Lazor (Crestwood, NY:1985).
- Arthur Vööbus, *History of Asceticism in the Syrian Orient*, 2 volumes (Louvain:1958, 1960)
- Hugh Wybrew, *The Orthodox Liturgy: The Development of the Eucharistic Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite* (Crestwood, NY:1989)
### IV. Fifth Century to the Present: Icons, Hesychasts and the Jesus Prayer
#### A. Source Texts, Part I: Byzantine era
- *Barsanuphius and John: Questions and Answers*, ed. and tr. Derwas Chitty, *Patrologia Orientalis* 31:449-661 [124 of over 800 extant letters, early sixth century]
- Nicholas Cabasilas, *Commentary on the Divine Liturgy*, tr. J. M. Hussey and P. A. McNulty (London:1966)
- ----------------------, *The Life in Christ*, tr. Carmino J. de Catenzaro (Crestwood, NY:1974).
- Cyril of Scythopolis, *The Lives of the Monks of Palestine*, tr. R. M. Price, annotations by John Binns (Kalamazoo:1991)
- Dorotheos of Gaza, *Discourses and Sayings*, tr. E. P. Wheeler (Kalamazoo:1977)
- Germanos of Constantinople, *On the Divine Liturgy*, tr. and intro. Paul Meyendorff (Crestwood, NY:1984)
- Georgia, *Lives and Legends of the Georgian Saints*, tr. David Lang (London: rev. ed. 1976)
- Gregory Palamas, *The Triads*, selected with notes and introduction by John Meyendorff, tr. Nicholas Gendle (NY:1983)
- --------------------, *The One Hundred and Fifty Chapters*, ed. and tr., with introduction by Robert E. Sinkiewicz (Toronto:1988)
- Gregory of Sinai, *Discourse on the Transfiguration*, ed., tr., with introduction by David Balfour (San Bernardino, CA:1990)
- *Holy Women of the Syrian Orient*, tr. with introduction by Susan A. Harvey and Sebastian P. Brock (Berkeley: rev. ed. 1998)
- Isaac of Nineveh, *The Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac of Nineveh*, tr. with introduction by Dana Miller, Holy Transfiguration Monastery (Boston:1984)
- Jacob of Serug, *On the Mother of God*, tr. Mary Hansbury (Crestwood, NY:1998)
- John Climachus, *The Ladder of Divine Ascent*, tr. Colm Liubheid and Norman Russell, intro. by Kallistos Ware (NY:1982)
- John of Damascus, *On the Divine Images*, tr. David Anderson (Crestwood, NY:1980)
- John Moschus, *The Spiritual Meadow*, tr. John Wortely (Kalamazoo:1992)
- Maximus the Confessor, *Selected Writings*, tr. with notes by George C. Berthold (NY:1985)
- ----------------------------, *Maximus the Confessor*, tr. and introduction by Andrew Louth (Routledge, UK:1996) [Berthold selects from Maximus' ascetical works, Louth from his more theological writings, notably the *Ambigua*]
- Nicetas Stethatos, *Vie de Syméon le nouveau théologien*, ed., tr., and introduction by Irenée Hausherr (Rome:1938)
- Paul of Monembasia, *The Spiritually Beneficial Tales of Bishop Paul of Monembasia*, tr. with notes and introduction by John Wortley (Kalamazoo:1996)
- Symeon the New Theologian, *On the Mystical Life: The Ethical Discourses*, tr. Alexander Golitzin, two volumes (Crestwood, NY:1995-1996)
- Symeon Stylites, *The Lives of Symeon Stylites*, tr. and introduction by Robert Doran (Kalamazoo:1992)
- Symeon of Thessalonica, *Treatise on Prayer: An Explanation of the Services Conducted in the Orthodox Church*, tr. Harry Simmons (Brookline, MA:1984)
- Theodore the Studite, *On the Holy Icons*, tr. Catherine Roth (Crestwood, NY:1981)
- Theoleptos of Philadelphia, *The Life and Letters of Theoleptos of Philadelphia*, tr. with introduction by Angela C. Hero (Brookline, MA:1994)
#### A. Source Texts, Part II: Some 18th and 19th century sources
- *Holy Women of Russia: The Lives of Five Orthodox Women*, tr. Brenda Meehan (NY:1993) [selected from 19th century devotional literature]
- John of Cronstadt, *The Spiritual Counsels of John of Cronstadt*, selected and tr. W. Jardine Grisbrooke (Crestwood, NY: rep. 1981)
- Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain, *A Handbook of Spiritual Counsel*, tr. Peter Chamberas, introduction by George Bebis (NY:1989)
- Païssy Velichkovsky, *The Life and Ascetic Labors of our Father, the Elder Paissius, Archimandrite of the Holy Moldavian Monasteries of Niamets and Sekoul. Optina Version*, Schema-Monk Mitrophanes, tr. St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (Platina, CA:1976) [19th century, Russian *vita* of the 18th century elder]
- Theophan the Recluse, *Unseen Warfare, as Edited by Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain and Revised by Theophan the Recluse*, tr. E. Kadloubovsky and G. E. H. Palmer, introduction by H. A. Hodges (Crestwood, NY:1978)
#### B. Selected Studies
- Hilarion Alfeyev, "The Patristic Background of Symeon the New Theologian's Doctrine of Light", *Studia Patristica* 32 (1997) 229-238
- -------------------, "St. Symeon the New Theologian, St. Symeon the Pious and the Studite Tradition", *Studia Monastica* 36 (1994) 183-222.
- Emmanuel Amand de Mendieta, *Mount Athos: The Garden of the Panagia*, tr. Michael R.Bruce (Berlin/Amsterdam:1972)
- Hans Urs von Balthasar, *Kosmische Liturgie: Das Weltbild Maximus des Bekenners*, 2nd ed. revised (Einsiedeln:1961)
- Robert Beulay, *La lumière sans forme: Introduction à l'</FONT><FONT FACE="WP MultinationalA Roman" SIZE=2>!</FONT><FONT SIZE=2>étude de la mystique chrétienne syro-orientale* (Chevtogne:1987)
- -----------------, *L'enseignement spirituel de Jean de Dalyatha: Mystique syro-oriental du VIIIe siècle* (Paris:1990)
- Paul S. Blowers, *Exegesis and Spiritual Pedagogy in Maximus the Confessor* (Notre Dame:1991)
- Boris Bobrinskoy, *The Mystery of the Trinity: Trinitarian Experience and Vision in the Biblical and Patristic Tradition*, tr. Anthony Gythiel (Crestwood, NY:1999)
- René Bornert, *Les commentaires byzantins de la Divine Liturgie du VIIe au XVe siècle* (Paris:1966)
- Vera Boutenev, translator, *Father Arseny, 1893-1973: Priest, Prisoner, Spiritual Father* (Crestwood, NY:1998)
- Archimandrite Cherubim, *Contemporary Ascetics of Mount Athos*, tr. St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, two volumes (Platina, CA:1992) [19th and 20th century Athonite hermits and other monastic saints]
- Igumen Chariton of Valaamo, *The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology*, tr. E. Kadloubovsky and E. M. Palmer, introduction by Timothy Ware (London:1966, rep. 1976)
- Sergei Chetverikov, *Staretz Païssy Velichkovsky*, tr. Vassily Lickwar and Alexander Lisenko (Belmont, MA:1980)
- Irenée-Henri Dalmais, "Place de la *Mystagogie* de Saint Maxime le Confesseur dans la théologie liturgique byzantine", *Studia Patristica* 5 (1962) 277-282
- John Dunlop, *Staretz Amvrossy: Model for Dostoyevsky's Staretz Zossima* (Belmont, MA:1972)
- Jas Elsner, *Art and the Roman Viewer* (Cambridge:1995)
- Paul Evdokimov, *The Art of the Icon: A Theology of Beauty*, tr. Steven Bigham (Redondo Beach, CA:1990)
- Pavel Florensky, *Iconostasis*, tr. Donald Sheehan and Olga Andreyev (Crestwood, NY:1996)
- Alexander Golitzin, "'A Contemplative and a Liturgist': Fr. Georges Florovsky on the *Corpus Dionysiacum*", *St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly* 43.2 (1999) 131-161
- ----------------------, "'Earthly Angels and Heavenly Men': The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Nicetas Stethatos, and the Tradition of 'Interiorized Apocalyptic' in Eastern Christian Ascetical and Mystical Literature", *Dumbarton Oaks Papers*, forthcoming
- ----------------------, *Symeon the New Theologian on the Mystical Life*, vol. III:*Life, Times, Theology* (Crestwood, NY:1997)
- ----------------------, *The Living Witness of the Holy Mountain: Contemporary Voices from Mount Athos* (South Canaan, PA:1996)
- Nadejda Gorodetsky, *St. Tikhon of Zadonsk: Inspirer of Dostoyevsky* (rev. ed. Crestwood, NY:1976)
- J. Gouillard, "Quatre procès de mystique à Byzance", *Revue des études byzantines* (1981) 5-81
- Sergei Hackel, editor, *The Byzantine Saint*, Studies Supplementary to *Sobornost* 5 (London:1981)
- Susan A. Harvey, "The Sense of a Stylite: Perspectives on Symeon the Elder", *Vigiliae christianae* 42 (1988) 376-394
- --------------------, "Embodiment in Time and Eternity: A Syriac Perspective", *St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly* 43.2 (1999) 105-130
- Antonios Hatzopoulos, *Two Outstanding Cases in Byzantine Spirituality: The Macarian Homilies and St. Symeon the New Theologian*, Analecta Blatadon 54 (Thessalonica:1991)
- Irenée Hausherr, *Penthos: The Doctrine of Mourning in the Christian East*, tr. Anselm Hufstader (Kalamazoo:1982)
- -------------------, *The Name of Jesus*, tr. Charles Cummings (Kalamazoo:1978)
- -------------------, *Saint Théodore le studite: l'homme et l'ascète* (Rome:1926, rep.1964)
- J. M. Hussey, *Ascetics and Humanists in XIth Century Byzantium* (London:1960)
- ---------------, *The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire* (Oxford:1986)
- ---------------, "Symeon and Nicholas Cabasilas: Similarities and Contrasts in Orthodox Spirituality", *Eastern Churches Review* 4.2 (1972) 131-140
- Ioan Ic, "Il mistero del Volto di Christo nella Tradizione orientale: *eikón*, prospon e icona", *Il Volto dei Volti Christo*, editrice elar (Gorle, Italy:1997) 71-79
- ----------, "La Posterità Romena dello 'Starec Paisij'", in *Paisij, lo Starec*, ed. Adalberto Mainardi (Communita di Bose:1996) 245-266
- Endre von Ivanka, *Plato Christianus* (Einsiedeln:1964)
- Bishop Seraphim Joanta, *Romania: Its Hesychast Tradition and Culture*, tr. St. Xenia Scete (Wildwood, CA:1992)
- Ernst Kitzinger, *Byzantine Art in the Making* (Cambridge, MA:1977)
- Ivan M. Kontzevich, *The Northern Thebaïd: Monastic Saints of the Russian North*, tr. St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (Platina, CA:1975) [These are not critical editions of the 14th-16th century *virtae*, but the latter as filtered through 19th century readers, but still a valuable collection stressing continuities with Byzantine Hesychasm]
- Pierre Kovalevsky, *Saint Sergius and Russian Spirituality*, tr. W. Elias Jones (Crestwood, NY:1975)
- G. B. Ladner, "The Concept of the Image in the Greek Fathers and the Byzantine Iconoclastic Controversy", *Dumbarton Oaks Papers* 7 (1953) 1-34
- Emmanuel Lanne, "L'interprétation palamite de la vision de Saint Benoît", *Le millenaire de Mont Athos: 963-1963* (Chevtogne-Venezia:1964) II:21-47
- Jean-Claude Larchet, *La divinisation de l'homme selon Saint Maxime le Confesseur* (Paris:1996)
- Vladimir Lossky, *In the Image and Likeness of God*, tr. John Erickson and Thomas Bird (Crestwood, NY:1974, rep. 1985)
- -------------------, *The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church*, tr. Fellowship of SS Alban and Sergius (London:1957, rep.Cambridge/London:1968)
- -------------------, *The Vision of God*, tr. Ashley Moorhouse (London:1963, rep. Crestwood, NY:1983)
- George Mantzarides, *The Deification of Man: St. Gregory Palamas and Orthodox Tradition*, tr. Liadain Sherrard (Crestwood, NY:1984)
- T. F. Matthews, *The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy* (Penn State:1971)
- John Meyendorff, *Byzantine Theology* (Oxford:1975)
- --------------------, *Byzantium and the Rise of Russia* (Crestwood, NY:1989)
- --------------------, *Christ in Eastern Christian Thought* (Washington DC:1969)
- --------------------, "Mount Athos in the 14th Century: Spiritual and Intellectual Legacy", *Dumbarton Oaks Papers* 42 (1988) 157-165
- ----------------------, *St. Gregory Palamas and Orthodox Spirituality*, tr. Adele Fisk (Crestwood, NY:1974, rep. 1999)
- Pierre Miquel, *Le vocabulaire de l'expérience spirituelle dans la tradition patristique grecque du IVe au XIVe siècle* (Beauchesne:1991)
- Donald M. Nicol, *Church and Society in the Last Centuries of Byzantium* (Cambridge:1975)
- Konrad Onasch and Anne Marie Schnieper, *Icons: The Fascination and the Reality* (NY:1997)
- Leonid Ouspensky, *The Theology of the Icon* (Crestwood, NY:1978)
- Jaroslav Pelikan, *Imago Dei: The Byzantine Apologia for Icons* (Princeton:1990)
- John M. Rist, "Pseudo-Dionysius, Neoplatonism and the Weakness of the Soul", in *From Athens to Chartres: Neoplatonism and Medieval Thought. Studies in Honor of Edouard Jeauneau*, ed. H. J. Westra (Leiden/NY:1992) 135-161
- John S. Romanides, "Notes on the Palamite Controversy and Related Questions", *Greek Orthodox Theological Review* 6.2 (1960/61) 186-205, 9.2 (1963/64) 225-270
- Steven Runciman, *The Great Church in Captivity* (Cambridge:1968) [Virtually unique in English in offering a history of the Greek Church under Ottoman rule, with somenote of the Athonite revival in the 18th century]
- André Scrima, "L'avènement philocalique dans l'orthodoxie roumaine", *Istina* (1958) 295-328 and 443-475
- Phillip Sherrard, *Athos the Holy Mountain* (London/Woodstock, NY:1982)
- Archimandrite Sophrony, *St. Silouan the Athonite*, tr. Rosemary Edmonds (Crestwood,NY:1999)
- Nun Maria Stakhovich and Sergius Bolshakoff, *Interior Silence: Elder Michael, the Last Great Mystic of Valaam*, tr. St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (Platina, CA:1992)
- Dumitru Staniloae, *Theology and the Church*, tr. Robert Barringer (Crestwood, NY:1980)
- ---------------------, *The Experience of God*, tr. Ioan Ionit and Robert Barringer (Brookline, MA:1994)
- Lars Thunberg, *Microcosm and Mediator: The Theological Anthropology of Maximus the Confessor* (2nd edition, Chicago:1995)
- H. J. M. Turner, *St Symeon the New Theologian and Spiritual Fatherhood* (Leiden:1990)
- Archimandrite Vassileios, *Hymn of Entry*, tr. Elisabeth Briere (Crestwood, NY:1984)
- Archimandrite Hierotheos Vlachos, *A Night in the Desert of the Holy Mountain*, tr. Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery (Livadia, Greece:1991)
- Bishop Kallistos Ware, "Forward", to the translation of I. Hausherr's *Spiritual Direction in the Early Christian East*, vii-xxxiii
- --------------------------, *The Power of the Name* (Fairacres, Oxford:1974)
- --------------------------, "The Spiritual Father in Orthodox Christianity", *Cross Currents* 24 (1974) 296-313
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