# Site settings title: "On Computer Science, Theology, and Church History" author: "Elliott R. Pardee" description: "This is the blog of an aspiring computer scientist with an intense interest in theology and church history, including the philosophy that comes with it." keywords: "Software Engineering, Mathematics, Philosophy, Programming, Theology, Orthodoxy, History" biography: "I am an Orthodox Christian and aspiring computer scientist. My particular interest is in bridging the gap between technology and the Church by providing fast, efficient web services." colophon: "© MMXVI — MMXIX by Elliott R. Pardee.
Content available under Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) unless otherwise noted.
This site is hosted at Github Pages and created with Jekyll." baseurl: "" url: "https://vypr.xyz" twitter_username: vyprrr github_username: vypr linkedin_username: vyprrr google-analytics: UA-82182108-1 simple_search: https://google.com/search markdown: kramdown highlighter: rouge permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title/