osric-cgi ========= A CGI script for creating an OSRIC character sheet and spitting out the JSON. This is intended to replace the previous project, [osric-character-sheet-to-json](https://github.com/kirbyman62/osric-character-sheet-to-json). It intends to walk the player through the entire character creation process, and thus aims to be quite comprehensive. Usage ----- Just fill out the form on the website and it should give you JSON. Pretty easy. The JSON should eventually make it's way to the lovely [irc-osric](https://github.com/vypr/irc-osric) bot, made by vypr. It'll be hosted on iotek hopefully, otherwise on one of my Raspberry Pis. Dependancies ------------ Currently, osric-cgi depends on the following non-core modules (and by extension - their dependancies): * [CGI](http://search.cpan.org/~lds/CGI.pm-3.43/CGI.pm) * [JSON](http://search.cpan.org/~makamaka/JSON-2.90/lib/JSON.pm) * [List::Compare](http://search.cpan.org/~jkeenan/List-Compare-0.46/lib/List/Compare.pm)