package OSRIC::Races::Dwarf use parent qw(OSRIC::Races); use OSRIC::Util qw/d/; # The stat buffs/nerfs a race gives: sub stats_boosts { { str => 0, dex => 0, con => 1, int => 0, wis => 0, cha => -1, } } # The permitted classes: sub permitted_classes { [ "Assassin", "Cleric", "Fighter", "Thief", [ "Fighter", "Thief" ] ] } # A hash of subs to generate the starting age based on class: sub ages { { assassin => sub { (75 + (d(6) + d(6) + d(6))) }, cleric => sub { (250 + (d(20) + d(20))) }, druid => sub { 0 }, fighter => sub { (40 + (d(4) + d(4) + d(4) + d(4) + d(4))) }, illusionist => sub { 0 }, magicuser => sub { 0 }, paladin => sub { 0 }, ranger => sub { 0 }, theif => sub { (75 + (d(6) + d(6) + d(6))) }, } } # The racial limitations: sub racial_limitations { { str => { min => 8, max => 18 }, dex => { min => 3, max => 17 }, con => { min => 12, max => 19 }, int => { min => 3, max => 18 }, wis => { min => 3, max => 18 }, cha => { min => 3, max => 16 }, } } 1;