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QA List
- +orthobot - help command
- +search - search for saints/icons by word
- +random - get a random saint/icon
- +yesterday - get the readings and saints/icons for yesterday
- +today - get the readings and saints/icons for today
- +tomorrow - get the readings and saints/icons for tomorrow
- +users - list all users throughout all servers (not counting duplicates or bots)
- +servers - list all servers OrthoBot is in
- +invite - get the invite link for OrthoBot
- +councils - the ecumenical councils
- +1nicea - the first council of Nicea (add argument to get canon)
- +1const - the first council of Constantinople (add argument to get canon)
- +ephesus - the council of Ephesus
- +chalcedon - the council of Chalcedon
- +2const - the second council of Constantinople
- +3const - the third council of Constantinople
- +quinisext (+trullo) - the council of Trullo
- +2nicea - the second council of Nicea
- +4const - the fourth council of Constantinople
- +5const - the fifth council of Constantinople
+setdailytime TIME - set the daily readings + saints time to TIME (TIME must be 24h format and in UTC)
+cleardailytime - clear the daily readings + saints time
+dailytime - see the daily readings + saints time and channel
+puppet message - say something as the bot (requires 'Manage Messages' perms in order to fully function)
+eval python - execute python code (it's an exec() wrapper)
+userid name#discriminator - grab a user id by name and discriminator
+ban id reason - ban an id from using the bot (works for both users and guilds)
+unban id reason - unban an id from using the bot (works for both users and guilds)
+reason id - get ban reason for an id
+leave NAME - leave the current or NAME server (argument optional)